
Player Roster

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Handle H.I. Affiliation
Adam Jupiter 8.3 Raintree Country Club
Alan Wilson 1.8 Providence Country Club
Andy Love 7.0 Raintree Country Club
anthony hood +0.7 Rolling Hills Country Club
Austin Adams +1.2 Cedarwood Country Club
Axel Vega 6.9 Providence Country Club
Bill Greco 8.1 Providence Country Club
Blake Burnette +0.6 Cedarwood Country Club
Bob Kirby 14.6 Cedarwood Country Club
Bob Parks 6.0 Cedarwood Country Club
Brad Prillaman 4.5 Rolling Hills Country Club
Brian McMullen 9.4 Rolling Hills Country Club
Brian Minor +1.4 Providence Country Club
Brian Richards 1.0 Raintree Country Club
Brian Sherwood 15.8 Cedarwood Country Club
Cameron Helms 5.3 Rolling Hills Country Club
Charlie Everett 5.0 Raintree Country Club
Chris Helms 3.7 Rolling Hills Country Club
Chris Sharp +1.2 Cedarwood Country Club
Christopher Miller 13.7 Raintree Country Club
Chuck Nance 3.8 Rolling Hills Country Club
Clinton Chandler 3.6 Providence Country Club
Colin Niebuhr +1.3 Cedarwood Country Club
Corby Selvey 3.2 Cedarwood Country Club
Corey Iacofano +1.1 Raintree Country Club
Daniel Sarjeant 3.2 Raintree Country Club
Daniel Simon 5.2 Raintree Country Club
David Lipka 7.3 Cedarwood Country Club
David Tyre 6.0 Rolling Hills Country Club
David Winch +0.7 Raintree Country Club
Derick Jones 7.0 Raintree Country Club
Don Harris 10.2 Rolling Hills Country Club
Don Robinson 10.4 Rolling Hills Country Club
Elias Gross +2.4 Rolling Hills Country Club
Garrett Kachellek +1.2 Cedarwood Country Club
Graham Mull 13.7 Raintree Country Club
Greg Raphel +0.6 Providence Country Club
J.d. Kisella 10.8 Rolling Hills Country Club
James Harvey 8.6 Raintree Country Club
James Pifer 5.5 Rolling Hills Country Club
Jarret Lewis 6.4 Raintree Country Club
Jason Williams +2.5 Rolling Hills Country Club
Jay Herring +1.6 Raintree Country Club
Jeff Avant +4.0 Rolling Hills Country Club
Jeff D'Onofrio 5.1 Rolling Hills Country Club
Jeff Helms 1.0 Rolling Hills Country Club
Jeff Thompson 6.0 Rolling Hills Country Club
Joe Morreale 6.6 Rolling Hills Country Club
John Heffernan +1.0 Cedarwood Country Club
John Shaw 8.5 Raintree Country Club
Jon Hightower 6.6 Rolling Hills Country Club
Jon Parenteau +0.8 Providence Country Club
Justin Baker 1.2 Raintree CC 1 - rN
Keith Schneider 3.7 Cedarwood Country Club
Ken Hardwick 3.2 Cedarwood Country Club
Kenneth Cuebas 4.4 Rolling Hills Country Club
Kevin Shay 3.9 Rolling Hills Country Club
Lloyd Hecht 9.0 Rolling Hills Country Club
Marc Stevens 8.8 Providence Country Club
Mark Inge 15.0 Rolling Hills Country Club
Mark Klinker 2.4 Raintree Country Club
Mark Schoen 4.6 Providence Country Club
Matthew Logan 0.0 Raintree Country Club
Matthew Pratt 2.8 Cedarwood Country Club
McClain Goodwin +0.5 Providence Country Club
Michael Luedtke 1.0 Providence Country Club
Michael Miller 0.2 Cedarwood Country Club
Michael O'Callaghan 9.1 Providence Country Club
Michael Oliverio +1.1 Raintree Country Club
Mike Fragale 8.8 Providence Country Club
Mike Shannon 5.2 Raintree Country Club
Neal Barrow 5.5 Providence Country Club
Olof Bengtsson +4.6 Raintree Country Club
Parshant Dhiman 3.5 Raintree Country Club
Paul Clark +1.1 Cedarwood Country Club
Phil Miller +2.5 Providence Country Club
Rick Rogers +1.9 Rolling Hills Country Club
Rob Engel 7.9 Rolling Hills Country Club
Rob Morrison 8.5 Rolling Hills Country Club
Rob Whitsett 8.4 Cedarwood Country Club
Robert Desjardins +0.8 Rolling Hills Country Club
Robert Smith 4.0 Providence Country Club
Ron Brown 6.9 Rolling Hills Country Club
Ryan Revier 1.5 Raintree Country Club
Ryan Taylor +0.5 Cedarwood Country Club
Sam McNulty +2.3 Rolling Hills Country Club
Sean McDonnell 6.8 Providence Country Club
Shane McKiernan +1.1 Raintree Country Club
Shawn Foley 0.1 Raintree Country Club
Spencer Pringle 8.1 Providence Country Club
Stephen Winters 4.1 Raintree Country Club
Steve Melton 9.0 Rolling Hills Country Club
Steve Nelson 3.6 Providence Country Club
Taylor Baggett 3.4 Rolling Hills Country Club
Todd Hoy 6.8 Rolling Hills Country Club
Tom Kelly 7.8 Providence Country Club
Tom Kovacs 5.2 Raintree Country Club
Travis Caldwell +0.5 Providence Country Club
Travis DeJohn 0.9 Cedarwood Country Club
Travis Hitchings +0.7 Providence Country Club
Trey Norton +2.4 Raintree Country Club
Tripp Ingram 5.6 Rolling Hills Country Club
Will Ayers +3.5 Raintree Country Club