Registration Now Open!
Registration Closes: April 22nd
League Dates
Ladies League is on Wednesdays with 2 exceptions/changes (listed below).
- Ladies Opening Day Wednesday, May 15th, Shotgun format, we will submit front and back scores
- Off Week (No League) Wednesday, July 10th (Ladies Member Guest Day)
- Playoffs Start Wednesday, August 21st .
- Ladies Closing Day (Playoffs End) Wednesday, September 11th. Shotgun format.
Total Commitment: 17 weeks (2 rounds will be played on May 15th to get to 18 rounds)
League Format
- The Stableford Format will be used again this season.
- The full Rules of Engagement will be on the Golf Genius registration site. We will also email them to all registrants prior to the start of the League.
- $175.00 plus HST (18 rounds) $197.75
- Includes Weekly Team Payouts for 1st ($8/team member) & 2nd ($6/team member)
- Includes Weekly Skins Payouts (2 Flights based on Handicap)
- Includes Weekly Challenge Hole Payouts ($10 per winner)
- Includes Guaranteed Raffle Prize (Apparel, Balls & Accessories)
Please Note there has been a change to Fee Options this season. The Weekly Pay is no longer being offered. Initially it was going to be at $12 per round plus HST. The All-in-Pass would have been a savings of $45. If you play 14 of the 18 rounds, the All-in Pass is a better deal.
After evaluating the numbers over the past 2 years, only 10% of members chose Weekly Pay and of that number, 50% played 80% of the rounds. Ease of budgeting, administration and the medical policy introduced last year also factored into our decision.
50/50 Draw
- Cost is $5/draw
- Phase 1 May 15th – July 3rd Total Cost: $45 – we will have 2 winners on May 15th
- Phase 2 July 17th – Sept 11th Total Cost: $45
- Participants will have the opportunity to win 1 time per phase. The average weekly payout in 2023 was approximately $70.
- Proceeds go towards payouts at the end of the season (week 14) and playoffs (week 18)
Sponsorship Opportunities
- To enhance the League experience, the Pro-Shop has put together an incentive for a $500 cash donation; the sponsor will receive 4 guest passes and be recognized during League play on course and online.
- Last year, funds raised were used towards weekly raffle prize draws and boosted playoff payouts.
- All League participants received a prize. This was a welcome addition to the League. Thanks to all who sponsored last year.
More information will be coming, however, please contact Sandy Parsons ( or Paul Clarke ( or at the Pro-Shop if you are interested in sponsoring this year.
Captains needed
- Please consider volunteering to be a Team Captain.
- Your responsibilities will include:
- Taking part in the Draft on May 1st at Sleepy Hollow
- Weekly communication of results to your team members.
- Support to your team members.
If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Parsons (