Senior, Legend and Junior Championship     Shuttle Meadow CC      (MAP LINK)




Seniors & Juniors -   Tuesday & Wednesday, July 30 & 31 2024  

Legends - Wednesday, July 31, 2024  


Seniors:  Members 55 or more years of age as of July 30, 2024 with a handicap index of 28.4 or less.

Legends:  Members 70 or more years of age as of  July 31, 2024 with a handicap index of 30.4 or less.

Juniors: Female, CT residents, 18 years of age or younger and have not started college.  No club affiliation is necessary.



Entry Deadline: July 22, 2024  11:59 P.M.


Entry Fees

Seniors -  $150 (includes golf, carts, lunch on both days, and prizes)

Legends -  $85 (includes golf, cart, lunch and prizes)

Juniors -   $25 (includes golf, lunch on both days, and prizes) 



Senior & Junior - Brief Description of Tournament/Format:


  • 36-hole stroke play event
  • Ties will be broken as defined in the Conditions of Competition
  • The senior gross winner will be awarded the Mrs. Raymond S. Patton, Jr. Trophy
  • First, second and third low gross Juniors will receive a trophy prize


Legends - Brief Description of Tournament/Format

  • 18-hole stroke play
  • Ties will be broken as defined in the Conditions of Competition
  • The gross winner will be awarded the Louise B. Curtis Trophy



Caddies/Transportation: Carts Only, Juniors must walk and carry their own bag or use a push cart.

Practice Rounds: May be scheduled TBD. 


Withdrawal/Refund Policy


  • If it is necessary to cancel, please contact the Major Tournament Chair below.
  • Withdrawals made prior to the closing date are subject to a $5 cancellation fee.
  • Withdrawals after the closing date will result in forfeiture of all entry fees.




Tuesday, July 30, 2024 (Seniors & Juniors)


  • 7:00 AM Registration 
  • 8:00 AM Tee Times followed by lunch   


Wednesday, July 31, 2024 (Seniors, Juniors & Legends)


  • 8:30 AM Shotgun start    
  • Lunch and Awards After Golf


Major Tournament Chair  Brenda Basson


Official In Charge:  Steve Basson


You are responsible for reading the CWGA Tournament Policies and Procedures which govern our events.