Player Roster
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Handle | Categoria Infantil |
Alexa Mendez | F-11-12 |
Alexandre Van Der Schueren | M-13-14 |
Andres SaborĂo | M-9-10 |
Carlos Roberto Ramirez | M-11-12 |
Domenico Piaggio | U6 |
Dominic Marx | M-13-14 |
Felipe Gomez Paez | M-13-14 |
Isak Lindstrom | M-9-10 |
Liam Lindstrom | U6 |
Luciana Vilchez | F-11-12 |
Luciano Piaggio | M-9-10 |
Luis Cruz Ventura | M-13-14 |
Luis Fernando Pasos | M-13-14 |
Martina Gomez | F-11-12 |
Mateo Gomez | M-7-8 |
Novak Estevanovich | M-7-8 |
Rodolfo Zeledon | M-7-8 |
Sophia Maduro | F-13-14 |