
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.™ Affiliation City State
Beanblossom, Grant 6.2 USGA/Maryland-DC GC Washington DC
Cockey, Robert 3.5 Compass Pointe Golf Courses Millersville MD
Elsass, Scott 2.6 USGA/Maryland-DC GC Washington DC
Hagerty, Cavan 5.6 USGA/Maine GC Arlington VA
Hallman, Daniel 6.4 Musket Ridge Golf Club Arlington VA
Hunt, James 2.7 Compass Pointe Golf Courses Pasadena MD
Kennedy, William 7.4 MSGA eClub Washington DC
Little, Tim 6.4 USGA/Maryland-DC GC Stevensville MD
Loetz, James 4.4 Compass Pointe Golf Courses Glen Burnie MD
Mahler, CJ 5.2 East Potomac Golf Links Washington DC
Ponticello, James 5.1 USGA/VSGA GC Arlington VA
Potter, Cody 4.4 MSGA eClub Washington DC
Smith, Jay 8.0 MSGA eClub Annapolis MD
Ware, Patrick 4.5 USGA/Maryland-DC GC Arnold MD
Winter, Otto 5.0 MSGA eClub Silver Spring MD