
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.™
Armour, Joe 10.9
Aversano, Mike 0.6
Barrett, Brett 15.4
Beam, Michael 3.9
Bernardo, Ken 6.3
Bernath, Lonny 7.2
Berrong, Rick 8.7
Bloom, Kyle 1.0
Bogdanoff, Steve +4.4
Boothe, Brandon 4.2
Boynton, Steve 10.2
Brinson, Ron 3.6
Brown, Kevin 7.0
Burr, Michael 3.2
Caine, Mike 13.7
Cantor, Manny 7.7
Carnahan, Tyler 1.3
Carr, Ben 0.6
Caruso, Paul 1.7
Cillian, Brian 8.4
Corn, Casey 1.9
Creyts, Chris 9.9
Devore, Fred 12.2
Dirkschneider, Scott 7.9
Dittmeier, Scott 9.0
Eaton, Aaron 10.2
Fillmore, Chris 13.2
Foley, Alex 17.7
Ford, Garrett 12.2
Franz, Adam 13.3
Fulbright, Will 11.6
Garner, Joe 3.5
Garner, Rich 11.6
Girard, Sean 11.8
Goff, Harry 9.5
Graham, Daniel 3.9
Graham, Rob 10.8
Greenhagen, Richard 23.8
Harper, Keith 13.1
Hayes, Reed 2.2
Henry, Walter 21.4
Higgins, Keith 10.2
Hillis, Bob 5.6
Honeycutt, Josh 0.5
Hostak, Mark 4.0
Jarmosevich, Marc 7.5
Johnson, Mark 8.6
Jones II, Haydn 4.8
Judge, Daniel 3.0
Larson, Scott 23.8
Lee, Philip 10.8
Loeffler, Steven 21.0
Lynch, Michael 6.3
Martin, Chad 10.2
Maus, Joe 9.1
Mazzella, Matt 12.0
Mclemore, Kevin 19.1
Menante, Dean +0.7
Miller, Andrew 10.7
Miller, David 12.0
Miller, Jeff 3.3
Miller, M.C. 7.8
Miller, Zach 11.0
Misenar, Blake 6.0
Misenar, Ryan 3.4
Moore, Brian 12.2
Moore, Tip 3.1
Morgan, Rob 6.2
Morgan, Tyler 2.2
Mueller, Chad 17.2
Nardell, Andrew 6.1
Nee, Chris 6.2
Nelson, Kevin 18.0
Nelson, Tully 3.9
Ness, Alex 5.0
Pavlish, Craig 5.8
Pavlish, Nicholas 7.2
Pavlish, Scott 5.4
Pelin, Scott 4.1
Phillips, Michael 10.6
Plante, Justin 11.3
Randolph, Joel 17.8
Reed, Scott 5.2
Rigsby, Scott 8.1
Ripley, Trent 3.9
Risicato, Matthew 16.7
Robert, Reed 6.0
Roth, William 10.1
Rutkowski, Jim 9.2
Sacha, Taylor 13.8
Scarboro, Austin +2.5
Schindler, Bob 1.4
Seik, Matt +0.5
Shemtov, Corey 12.9
Smith, Brian 10.2
Son, Daniel 9.1
Stanczewski, Brad 16.2
Stewart, Brandon 8.9
Stimart, Dick 2.9
Stokes, Matt 10.3
Strauch, Michael 19.5
Strauch, Rich 10.0
Targonski, James 3.9
Tinervin, Scott 4.6
Turner, Todd 17.5
Walters, Jeff 11.6
Weeks, Jim 10.7
Weeks, Stephen 12.9
Werner, Ryan 6.6
Winters , Ben 11.1
Zalecki, Nick 12.4
Zierden, Dennis 5.6