Notice to Players Regarding the Use of Cellular Devices
During Open Qualifying
The use of cell phones and other cellular devices is typically prohibited by Tournament Regulations.
However, for Open Qualifying, limited cellular device use is allowed. The following are general guidelines
for the use of cellular devices by players and caddies during a round:
• Checking the leaderboard in the tournament
• Getting distance information by using as an electronic distance-measuring device
• Accessing information such as a yardage book/guide, course diagrams or putting green maps
• Accessing tournament Notice to Players (Local Rules), Hole Locations, etc.
• Calling Rules Committee to request a ruling
• Using as a standard compass, for directional information, without additional features or
• Getting any type of weather information (including wind speed) that is available from weather
• Measuring temperature and humidity at the course
Not Allowed
• Increasing the size of the putting green’s representation beyond the acceptable scale or size
• Giving or receiving advice on choosing a club, making a stroke, or deciding how to play during a
hole or round
• Interpreting distance or directional information (such as using a device to get a recommended
line of play or club selection based on the location of the player’s ball)
• Measuring elevation changes, including through the use of a non-standard compass application
• Measuring wind speed at the course
• Processing or interpreting playing information from the round (such as club recommendations
based on current round distances)
• Using any physiological information recorded during the round
• Listening to music or other audio to eliminate distractions or to help with swing tempo
• Viewing video showing play of the player or other players during the competition that helps the
player in choosing a club, making a stroke, or deciding how to play during the round