Royal Turks & Caicos Golf Club

Local Rules & Terms of the Competition


The Rules of Golf as approved by the United States Golf Association and the R&A govern play.  These Local Rules and Terms of the Competition are in effect at all Royal Turks & Caicos Golf Club events.  See applicable documents for each event.  Complete text of the Rules and Local Rules may be found in the Official Guide to the Rules of Golf, effective January 2019.



Ground Under Repair - Areas of bare rock in waste bunkers deemed to be Ground Under Repair.  White lines will define other Ground Under Repair areas.


Drop Zones - Are optional.  You may choose to proceed under the applicable rules of golf or use the designated drop zone.  In some cases, the drop zones involve a one-stroke penalty.


Out of Bounds - Defined by Chain Link Fence or WHITE stakes or BLUE lines.


Lateral Penalty Areas - Defined by RED stakes or lines.


Penalty Areas - Defined by YELLOW stakes or lines.


Waste Bunker - Those sand areas played as through the green, not a green side bunker.


Green Side Bunker - Those sand areas in front of greens.  Identified as 2 on # 2, 2 on # 3, 1 on # 6, 1 on # 11, 2 on # 12, 2 on # 16.  All other sand areas are considered waste.  NOTE: You may remove loose impediments in all bunkers. (Sand/Soil is not a loose impediment).


Rock Walls - Walls outlining waste bunkers, planters, cart paths and the wall in front of the 15th green.  If your stance or swing is impeded you "may" take relief (one club length no nearer the hole without penalty).


Planters - Those areas enclosed by a concrete rock wall will play as through the green.  No Relief - Proceed under the lost ball rule or unplayable ball rule (whichever applies).  The rock wall itself is an immovable obstruction if it impedes your stance or swing and a Free Lift applies.


Flower Beds - Ornamental flower arrangements must be marked with white paint for a free lift.


Cart Path - Deemed as any "Artificially Surfaced" roadway or pathway.  Relief - One club length from the nearest point of relief no nearer the hole without penalty.


Trees - Staked, Tied, Roped or Welled trees "must impede your stance or swing".  Relief - One club length from the nearest point of relief no nearer the hole without penalty.


Environmentally Sensitive Area - Defined by BLUE stakes with GREEN cap and WHITE line on 12th & 13th Hole.  A Free Drop (mandatory) at the last point of entry.


Yardage Markers - Players may take free relief from yardage markers if they impede your stance or swing.  NOTE: Line of Sight relief is NOT allowed under the Rules of Golf.


If you have any doubt to the rules, it is your responsibility to play two balls and obtain a ruling later from the Rules Official.