Casa de Campo Hard Card - Local Rules & Terms of the Competition



The Rules of Golf as approved by the United States Golf Association and The R&A govern play. These Local Rules and Terms of the Competition are in effect at all Casa de Campo Events. See applicable documents for each event. Complete text of the Rules and Local Rules may be found in the Official Guide to the Rules of Golf, effective January 2023.


The Rules of Golf as approved by the United States Golf Association and The R&A govern play. These Local Rules and Terms of the Competition are in effect at all Casa de Campo Events. See applicable documents for each event. Complete text of the Rules and Local Rules may be found in the Official Guide to the Rules of Golf, effective January 2023.



Out of Bounds - Defined by white stakes, white painted lines and public road ways. A ball which crosses a public roadway  defined as out of bounds and comes to rest beyond the road the ball is out of bounds, even if it comes to rest on another part of the course that is in-bounds for other holes. (Model Local Rule A-5).

Penalty Areas -  Where the margin of a PA is NOT defined by lines or dots, the margin of the PA is defined as being the waters side edge of the retaining wall.

Wrong Putting Greens - Relief is mandatory for lie of ball, stance and area of intended swing. Wrong putting greens include alternate greens on #5 and #8 Teeth and all practice greens.

Immovable Obstructions - except when a ball is in a penalty area. Relief is available for paved or gravel paths, rockwalls, railroad ties (knarly wood), aqueduct, that are on the course. When taking relief if the ball was in the general area, a bunker or on the putting green it must remain in the general area, same bunker or same putting green.

Immovable Obstructions Close to or On the Putting Green (e.g. Sprinkler Heads) For a ball in the general area, relief is available from an imovable obstruction on the line of play, that is within two clubs lengths of the putting green and with in two club lengths of the ball.

Integral Parts of the Course - Wires, cables, wrappings or other objects where they are closely attached to trees or other permanent objects. 

Pace of Play - (Rule 5.6 Unreasonable Delay) Pace of Play Policy is in effect and Model Local Rules K1, K2, are in effect.



Drop Zones Hole #5, #7, and #16 - DZ’s located at the Red Teeing Areas may be used as an additional option (Rule 17). Hole #6, left of Green for ball on the cart path or over the retaining wall between the blue stakes with black tops.

Natural Sandy Areas - Are marked with BLUE stakes and are considered “general area.” 

Aqueduct across #10 fairway - Is an Immovable Obstruction.

While playing holes #3, #4, and #6 the yellow penalty areas along the sea are played as red penalty areas.




Out of Bounds is defined by the inside edge of stone walls, private property lines on the perimeter of the golf courses, white stakes and lines.  

Drop Zones Hole #15 - DZ located on the far side of the Red Penalty Area may be used as an additional option (Rule 17).

The sandy area on the right of hole 7,9,10,11 are "waste area" and are intergral parts of the course.



Out of Bounds is defined by the inside edge of public roads, rock walls, and white stakes. Objects that define out of bounds, such as walls, are not obstructions. Players are not entitled to relief.