Ping Welsh Junior Tour Event 4 (Creigiau) Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Sun, June 23

Time Players
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Alexander Bird Newport Golf Club
Under 8's
1:10 PM Under 8s Donnie Wyld + Oliver Bowling
Ben Latham Whitchurch Golf Club
Under 14's
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Nicholas Kuipers + Ryan Miller
Cai Jones Cilgwyn
Under 12's
11:20 AM Under 12s Jacob Brown + Lacey Rees
Cameron Gittins Llantrisant & Pontyclun
Under 12's
10:00 AM Under 12s Macsen Dyer
Charlotte Huntley Radyr Golf Club
Under 12's
10:30 AM Under 12s Dylan Williams + Oscar Mordey
Chester Broadway-Field Cardigan Golf Club
Under 10's
12:30 PM Under 10s Joey Sweet + Thomas Latham
Daniel Clarke Llanishen golf club
Under 10's
11:50 AM Under 10s Jac Lewis + Richard Omahoney
Dawson Gill Brynhill
Under 14's
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Ethan White + Ifan Owens
Dexter Thomas Southerndown Golf Club
Under 8's
1:20 PM Under 8s Harry Wilcock + Taio-Blake Burkitt
Dion Jones Cilgwyn
Under 14's
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Lucy Hurst + Phoebe Gorvett
Donnie Wyld Glyn Abbey
Under 8's
1:10 PM Under 8s Alexander Bird + Oliver Bowling
Dylan Mistry Whitchurch Golf Club
Under 12's
11:10 AM Under 12s Kazuki Tran + William Andrews
Dylan Williams Llantrisant and pontyclun
Under 12's
10:30 AM Under 12s Charlotte Huntley + Oscar Mordey
Efan Millington Caernarfon
Under 8's
1:00 PM Under 8s Harrison Grant + Matthew Maclean
Elliot Evans Llanishen Golf Club
Under 12's
10:40 AM Under 12s Iestyn Hawksley + Oliver John David Jones
Emyr Jones Bargoed
Under 12's
11:30 AM Under 12s George Davies + Harry Smith
Esme Matthews Swansea Bay Golf Club
Under 12's
10:20 AM Under 12s Finlay O'Connell + Kole Aherne
Ethan White Whitchurch (Cardiff) Golf Club
Under 14's
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Dawson Gill + Ifan Owens
Eva-Grace Parsons Lakeside (Garthmyl)
Under 14's
8:20 AM Red - Ladies Gareth Brookman + Spencer Rolfe
Evan Barlow Radyr Golf Club
Under 10's
12:00 PM Under 10s Liam Chadwick + Molly Maclean
Eve Clunis - Wheway Swansea bay
Under 14's
8:40 AM Red - Ladies Ryan Davies + Trystan Poole
Ffion Griffiths Holyhead
Under 8's
12:50 PM Under 8s Morgan Whiskerd
Finlay O'Connell Whitchurch (Cardiff) Golf Club
Under 12's
10:20 AM Under 12s Esme Matthews + Kole Aherne
Flynn Lambly Radyr
Under 12's
9:50 AM Under 12s Olly-Rocco Johnson
Gareth Brookman Creigiau
Under 14's
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Eva-Grace Parsons + Spencer Rolfe
George Wooden Cottrell Park
Under 8's
1:30 PM Under 8s Mason Churcher + Tomos Lloyd Davies
George Davies Creigiau
Under 12's
11:30 AM Under 12s Emyr Jones + Harry Smith
George Smith Ludlow Golf Club
Under 10's
12:20 PM Under 10s Iago Millington + Noah Hill
Gethin Lewis Radyr GC
Under 14's
8:50 AM Yellow - Men Griffith Thomas + Rhys Eveleigh
Griffith Thomas Llantrisant & Pontyclun
Under 14's
8:50 AM Yellow - Men Gethin Lewis + Rhys Eveleigh
Harri Davenport Cradoc
Under 10's
12:10 PM Under 10s Monika Novak + Olivia Dally
Harrison Grant Bridgend Golf
Under 8's
1:00 PM Under 8s Efan Millington + Matthew Maclean
Harrison Jones Llantrisant
Under 12's
10:10 AM Under 12s Jacob Jackson + Theo Dally
Harry Smith Ludlow Golf Club
Under 12's
11:30 AM Under 12s Emyr Jones + George Davies
Harry Wilcock Padeswood & Buckley
Under 8's
1:20 PM Under 8s Dexter Thomas + Taio-Blake Burkitt
Hugo Pearson Whitchurch Cardiff
Under 14's
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Olani Kitaba-Davies + Seb Pinkerton
Iago Millington Caernarfon
Under 10's
12:20 PM Under 10s George Smith + Noah Hill
Iestyn Hawksley Pyle & Kenfig
Under 12's
10:40 AM Under 12s Elliot Evans + Oliver John David Jones
Ifan Owens Caernarfon
Under 14's
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Dawson Gill + Ethan White
Isaac Bowling Royal Porthcawl
Under 14's
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Mason Gill + Tommy Evans
Jac Lewis Morlais castle
Under 10's
11:50 AM Under 10s Daniel Clarke + Richard Omahoney
Jac Rate Wrexham
Under 12's
10:50 AM Under 12s Rhys James
Jacob Brown Whitchurch
Under 12's
11:20 AM Under 12s Cai Jones + Lacey Rees
Jacob Jackson St. Mellons
Under 12's
10:10 AM Under 12s Harrison Jones + Theo Dally
Joey Sweet Green meadow
Under 10's
12:30 PM Under 10s Chester Broadway-Field + Thomas Latham
Kazuki Tran Tenby
Under 12's
11:10 AM Under 12s Dylan Mistry + William Andrews
Kole Aherne Celtic manor
Under 12's
10:20 AM Under 12s Esme Matthews + Finlay O'Connell
Lacey Rees Garnant
Under 12's
11:20 AM Under 12s Cai Jones + Jacob Brown
Laci Reynolds Milford Haven Golf Club
Under 14's
9:00 AM Red - Ladies Mason Jones + Tomi Williams
Liam Chadwick Padeswood and Buckley Golf Club
Under 10's
12:00 PM Under 10s Evan Barlow + Molly Maclean
Lily Morgan Padeswood and buckley
Under 12's
11:00 AM Under 12s Ollie Aiston + harriet phillips
Lucy Hurst St Idloes
Under 14's
9:30 AM Red - Ladies Dion Jones + Phoebe Gorvett
Macsen Dyer Swansea Bay
Under 12's
10:00 AM Under 12s Cameron Gittins
Mason Gill Brynhill
Under 14's
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Isaac Bowling + Tommy Evans
Mason Jones Swansea Bay golf club
Under 14's
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Laci Reynolds + Tomi Williams
Mason Churcher Radyr Golf club
Under 8's
1:30 PM Under 8s George Wooden + Tomos Lloyd Davies
Matthew Maclean Pennard
Under 8's
1:00 PM Under 8s Efan Millington + Harrison Grant
Molly Maclean Pennard
Under 10's
12:00 PM Under 10s Evan Barlow + Liam Chadwick
Monika Novak Creigiau
Under 10's
12:10 PM Under 10s Harri Davenport + Olivia Dally
Morgan Whiskerd
Under 8's
12:50 PM Under 8s Ffion Griffiths
Nicholas Kuipers Machynys Peninsula Golf
Under 14's
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Ben Latham + Ryan Miller
Noah Hill Aberdare
Under 10's
12:20 PM Under 10s George Smith + Iago Millington
Olani Kitaba-Davies Llantrisant & Pontyclun
Under 14's
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Hugo Pearson + Seb Pinkerton
Oliver Bowling Maesteg
Under 8's
1:10 PM Under 8s Alexander Bird + Donnie Wyld
Oliver John David Jones Llantrisant & Pontyclun
Under 12's
10:40 AM Under 12s Elliot Evans + Iestyn Hawksley
Olivia Dally Aberdare
Under 10's
12:10 PM Under 10s Harri Davenport + Monika Novak
Ollie Aiston Radyr
Under 12's
11:00 AM Under 12s Lily Morgan + harriet phillips
Olly-Rocco Johnson Radyr
Under 12's
9:50 AM Under 12s Flynn Lambly
Oscar Mordey Whitchurch GC
Under 12's
10:30 AM Under 12s Charlotte Huntley + Dylan Williams
Phoebe Gorvett Swansea Bay
Under 14's
9:30 AM Red - Ladies Dion Jones + Lucy Hurst
Rhys Evans Aberdare
Under 14's
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Rhys Owen + Sam Matthews
Rhys Eveleigh Radyr
Under 14's
8:50 AM Yellow - Men Gethin Lewis + Griffith Thomas
Rhys James Whitchurch GC
Under 12's
10:50 AM Under 12s Jac Rate
Rhys Owen Llantrisant & Pontyclun
Under 14's
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Rhys Evans + Sam Matthews
Richard Omahoney Swansea Bay
Under 10's
11:50 AM Under 10s Daniel Clarke + Jac Lewis
Ryan Davies Whitchurch golf club
Under 14's
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Eve Clunis - Wheway + Trystan Poole
Ryan Miller Hawarden GC
Under 14's
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Ben Latham + Nicholas Kuipers
Sam Matthews Swansea Bay Golf Club
Under 14's
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Rhys Evans + Rhys Owen
Seb Pinkerton Radyr Golf Club
Under 14's
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Hugo Pearson + Olani Kitaba-Davies
Spencer Rolfe Wrexham
Under 14's
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Eva-Grace Parsons + Gareth Brookman
Taio-Blake Burkitt Celtic Manor
Under 8's
1:20 PM Under 8s Dexter Thomas + Harry Wilcock
Theo Dally Aberdare
Under 12's
10:10 AM Under 12s Harrison Jones + Jacob Jackson
Thomas Latham Whitchurch Golf Club
Under 10's
12:30 PM Under 10s Chester Broadway-Field + Joey Sweet
Tomi Williams Radyr
Under 14's
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Laci Reynolds + Mason Jones
Tommy Evans Southerndown
Under 14's
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Isaac Bowling + Mason Gill
Tomos Lloyd Davies Carmarthen
Under 8's
1:30 PM Under 8s George Wooden + Mason Churcher
Trystan Poole St Mellon's Golf Club
Under 14's
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Eve Clunis - Wheway + Ryan Davies
William Andrews Radyr
Under 12's
11:10 AM Under 12s Dylan Mistry + Kazuki Tran
harriet phillips NEATH
Under 12's
11:00 AM Under 12s Lily Morgan + Ollie Aiston