Competition ends on the last Ringered Playday of the year. For flighted awards, a member’s flight will be the one in which she played the most during the year. To be eligible for Year-End Awards, one must be a member in good standing and completed the following course requirements:
18-HOLE LEAGUE must have at least 8 Playday scores (2 from each course).
9-HOLE LEAGUE must have at least 8 Playday scores (1 on the front nine of each course, and 1 on the back nine of each course). In addition, each player must attend at least one Rules Clinic during the season.
MOST IMPROVED GOLFER - This is awarded to the member who has lowered her active Kingwood Handicap Index by the greatest percentage during the year and is eligible for a Year-End award. Most Improved Golfer is not eligible for Low Gross, Low Net, Ringer, or Low Putts Awards.
LOW GROSS FOR THE YEAR (Flighted) - The lowest Playday total gross score for the required courses determines the winners. Total of 2 lowest Playday gross scores for all 4 courses. Low Gross winners are not eligible for Low Net , Ringer, or Low Putts awards. Ties will be awarded.
LOW NET FOR THE YEAR (Flighted) - The lowest Playday total net score for the required courses determines the winners. Total of 2 lowest Playday net scores for all 4 courses. Low Net winners are not eligible for Ringer or Low Putts awards. Ties will be awarded.
RINGER COMPETITION (Flighted) - Ringers start with the first designated Ringered Playday and continue through the last designated Ringered Playday. Total of lowest gross scores for all holes on all 4 courses. Winners are not eligible for Low Putts award. Ties will be awarded.
LOW PUTTS FOR THE YEAR (Flighted) -The winner is determined by the lowest total putts for the required courses. Total of 2 lowest Playday putt scores for all 4 courses. Ties will be awarded.
BIRDIES FOR THE YEAR (Flighted) - A minimum of three birdies is required to be eligible for this award in each flight. Highest number of gross birdies recorded with a minimum of 3 birdies required. Ties will be awarded. 9-Hole League will not have a minimum requirement to be eligible for an award, but the prize amount will be pro-rated for less than 3.
TOURNAMENT AWARDS: Ace of Aces, Senior/Super Senior and Presidents’ Cup trophy.