2024 Silver Cup Championship



WHEN: Monday - Wednesday, October 14-16, 2024


WHERE: Canyon Gate Country Club

                   2001 Canyon Gate Dr

               Las Vegas, NV 89117





  • Each Association (SNGA & NNGA) will field a team of 20 players.
  • Team members will be listed in handicap index order.
  • The 10 high handicap players from each team will compete in the upper bracket.
  • The 10 low handicap players from each team will compete in the lower bracket.
  • The handicaps used will be determined 5 days before the start of the competition (September 29, 2022).



  • Must be an individual member of a member club of the SNGA or NNGA at least 60 days prior to the start of the competition.
  • Must have a verifiable handicap index.
  • Must be at least 18 years of age by the start of the competition.
  • The maximum playing handicap allowed for this Championship is 36. Players with a higher playing handicap may be entered but will be limited to a 36.




  • Round 1 -
    • Modified Foursome Matches:
      • A match in which two play against two and each side completes the hole with one ball.
      • Each partner tees off on each hole.
      • After a tee shot is selected, the partners alternate shots until the hole is completed.
      • Penalty strokes do not affect the order of play.
      • The team handicap will be 50% of the total combined handicaps of both members of each side. The lower handicap side will be reduced to zero (0). The other side will be reduced by the same amount and will receive any handicap strokes they are entitled to starting with the #1 handicap hole.
  • Round 2 -
    • Four-Ball Matches
      • A match in which two team members on a side play two team members of the opposing side. The best ball from each side is used to determine the hole's outcome.
      • Each player plays her own ball.
      • Balls belonging to the same side may be played in the order the side considers best.
      • Players receive 90% of their course handicap. The lowest handicap player of the four will be reduced to zero (0). The remaining players will have their handicaps reduced by the same amount and will receive any handicap strokes they are entitled to starting with the #1 handicap hole.
  • Round 3 -
    • Singles Matches
      • A match in which one player plays against another.
      • Two matches will be played simultaneously in the four player group.
      • When ALL FOUR BALLS LIE ON THE GREEN, the match with the ball lying furthest from the hole will putt out first.
      • The other match may mark their balls and then stand aside to allow that match to finish the hole.
      • The completed match will then stand aside to allow the other match to finish the hole.
      • The lower handicap player in the match will be reduced to zero (0). Their opponent will have their handicap reduced by the same amount and will receive any handicap strokes they are entitled to starting with the #1 handicap hole.



  • One (1) point will be awarded for each match won.
  • One-half (.5) point will be awarded for each match halved.
  • Daily Recap
    • Day 1 - Ten (10) total points
    • Day 2 - Ten (10) total points
    • Day 3 - Twenty (20) total points
  • The team that currently holds the trophy retains the trophy if they score 20 points before the other team scores 20.5 points.
  • If the two teams are tied after the three days of competition, the team holding the trophy will retain it until the next Silver Cup Championship.