Hole-in-One Pot Payout

CommonGround Women’s Golf Club (CGWGC)


  1. CGWGC has an opt in hole-in-one pot. 
  2. At registration players wanting to participate in the hole-in-one pot must mark the box noted on the club’s registration form. Their participation is applicable for the entire season for their specific league (18-hole or 9-hole). If the box is not marked noting an interest to participate, then the player has chosen not to participate in the hole-in-one pot for their applicable league (18-hole or 9-hole). 
  3. Players may opt into the pot after registration, during the season, if they notify both the treasurer and tournament chair in writing that they are opting in and receive a message back that the opt in was received. 
  4. A player must opt into the pot before they have a hole-in-one during one of CGWGC season’s stroke play tournaments.  If a player has not opted into the hole-in-one pot and they have a hole-in-one during one of CGWGC season’s stroke play tournaments, they are not eligible for a payout. 
  5. A player making a hole-in-one during one of CGWGC season’s stroke play tournaments receives a payout from CGWGC equal to the amount of the number of players who opted in for their applicable CGWGC league multiplied by $5. For example, if 30 players opted into the hole-in-one pot for the 18-hole league, the player making a hole-in-one in that league receives $150 (30 X $5.00). 
  6. When a hole-in-one is paid out, the players who opted into the pot receive notice of the hole-in-one for their league from the CGWGC treasurer and each player must pay $5 to reimburse CGWGC’s bank account for the money paid out. 
  7. Every time a hole-in-one is made, CGWGC pays the hole-in-one player and the opted in league players pay their $5.
  8. Payouts are paid by check and are paid out during the season.