From the Pro Shop:
Starting April 1st 2024, CommonGround will be using a new pace of play management system called TagMarshal. It is a GPS based system that will allow for Pro Shop staff to see all groups and their pace of play on the course. The goal for this new system is to improve the overall experience for all players, ensuring that play does not exceed 4 hours and 30 minutes on any given day. The expectation is that groups will all finish within the 10 minute interval of the group in front of them.
The CGWGC procedures for Pace of Play tracking
CGWGC has a pace of policy that allows for a scorecard punch clock time of 4:35. Your group’s playing position on the course is directly behind the group in front of you. Foursomes behind threesomes will be granted reasonable leeway. Rules of golf state all players should play at a prompt pace throughout the round.
Designate a timekeeper in your group.
Punch your group’s scorecard at the end of the round with the time clock at the Pro Shop.
If your group’s scorecard time is more than 4:35, discuss between yourselves what happened and decide who in your group will contact the President to let her know what happened.
If your group’s scorecard time is within the 10 minute interval of the finish time of the group in front of you if they finished over 4:35, nothing needs to be done. If not, see #3 above
If members are repeatedly playing in groups whose scorecard times exceed the allotted 4:35, the Pro Shop and/or the CGWGC Board will evaluate the situation, make recommendations, and/or take other appropriate steps to help encourage quicker play.