Register now for 2024 New Registration
2024 HSR Golf Club
Membership Application
Registration Instructions:
1. Select "Submit Registration for Approval" then on the next page that shows the Registration fee click the red "Next" box.
2. Enter your email, first and last name.
3. Create a password and then re-enter the password. (If your email is already registered with a Golf Genius account, enter your current password - or click "forgot password".)
4. Fill out all remaining fields that are required.
5. Fill in the name of the HSR member that is sponsoring your application.
6. Click the acknowledgement checkbox at the bottom and then click the red "Submit for Approval" button.
7. Select a donation amount (if you wish to do so) and then enter your credit card/billing information. Click the red "Pay" icon.
Upon completing the registration process, you will receive an email confirmation that your application has been submitted. All new applications will be reviewed at the Board of Governors meeting. You will receive a second email once your membership has been approved.