Register for the 500 Today!!

Welcome to "The 500" Registration.


  • Registration is Open on July 9th for Members (member-member or member-guest) or Teams declaring Championship Flight
    • Members must be Golf members in good standing.
    • All Players must have an active GHIN Handicap with 10 current scores.  


  • All Teams will go into a "pending" list while we check your credentials and make sure you qualify for the above criteria.    
    • If there is an issue with your credentials you will receive an email with a plan of action.


  • You will get one email when you go into the "pending" list, You will get another email when you get confirmed.


It may take up to 48 hours for your team to be confirmed.   


Note:   Guest/ Guest team signup will start on August 1st at 8am.   Entry's received before this date will be removed.


You may currently submit your registration for approval.