FORMAT (Friday/Saturday/Sunday Matches)


There are 48 two (2) man teams that have been divided into eight (8), six (6) team brackets

according to Team GHIN index.


This will include a 'PAR-GHOST' Team(s) "IF NEEDED" (net par on 1 & 2 ball).


The format is a NINE (9) HOLE, 2 NET BEST BALL & 1 NET BEST BALL match play with 100% handicap (lowest handicap in a match scratches to ‘0’ (zero) and adjust other players).


There are a possible eighteen (18) points in each match, but the maximum number of points a

team can win per match is fourteen (14).



This includes a maximum of 7 points on 1 Net Best Ball

and maximum of 7 points on 2 Net Best Ball.


- Team 2 NET BB Low Net Total Score: One (1) point will be awarded for each hole won outright; half (.5) point for a tie and zero (0) for a loss of the hole.


- Team 1 NET BB Net Score: Same as above.


Example: Team A Net Scores are a 4 & 8 = 12

                Team B Net Scores are a 5 & 6 = 11


Team A would get one (1) point for 1 Net BB (4)

Team B would get one (1) point for 2 Net BB (11)






Al Czervik & Dr. Beeper

Ty Webb & Danny Noonan