Register now for 2024 Renewal Registration
HSR Golf Club
2024 Season Renewal
Registration Instructions:
1. Select "New Registration" (even though it's a renewal)
2. In the box where it says "Search for a Member" type the first 3 characters (including apostrophes if applicable) of your last name. Select your name and then hit the "Continue" button
3. On the next page (Membership renewal cost) hit the red "Next" button
4. Fill in all required fields marked with an * click the acknowledgement checkbox at the bottom and then click the red "Next" button
5. Select a donation amount (if you wish to do so) and then enter your credit card/billing information. Click the red "Pay" icon.
Upon completing the registration process, you will receive an email confirmation which will include the voting link to submit your ballot for the 2024 elections. Please make sure you check for this email.