
Player Roster

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Handle Tee Team Id Pairing Request
Baca, Jimmy Yellow 03 Pedersen
Baca, Michael Yellow 01 R. Baca
Baca, Renae Silver 01 M. Baca
Barreras, Cindy Silver 12 Fiorina
Bellgardt, Paul Blue 13 No Preference
Boettler, Christine Silver 04 Latham
Cabaday, Michael Yellow 02 R. Cabaday
Cabaday, Rosemary Silver 02 M. Cabaday
Castillo, David White 24 G. Maldonado
Castillo, Joe Yellow 25 P. Temer
Castoria, Eddie Silver 20 Moorman
Colley, Kathy Silver 15 T. Martinson
Cordova, Jose Silver 16 Moreno
Cotner, Jane Silver 22 L. Summers
Cummins, Grace Silver 09 Hansen
Cunningham, Bryan Blue 13 No Preference
Eagle, David Yellow 29 No Preference
Fiorina, Caryn Silver 12 Barreras
Gaiter, Vince Yellow 35 Partner confirmation
Gallegos, Mike Yellow 14 H. Garley
Garley, Henry Yellow 14 M. Gallegos
Griego, Ruben White 27 Haarhues
Haarhues, Robert White 27 R. Griego
Hamilton, Jack Silver 28 Sullivan
Hansen, Connie Silver 09 Cummings
Harris, Michael Yellow 29 No Preference
Heckes, John Yellow 17 Mulle'
Herrera, Joe Yellow 18 Reece
Herrera, John Yellow 10 Maestas
Jaramillo, Martin Yellow 30 M. Molina
Kiger, Don Yellow 06 Sack
Kukowski, Shawn White 23 Mirabal
Kuzior, Ted Silver 31 L. Marquez
Laliberty, Thomas Blue 05 Vieth
Larkin, Scott White 08 J. Stern
Larsen, Del Yellow 19 Perez
Latham, Carol Silver 04 Boettler
Lumley, Barbara Silver 11 A. Martin
Maes, Gilbert Yellow 32 C. Terry
Maes, Theresa Silver 33 L. Terry
Maestas, Floyd White 10 John Herrera
Maldonado, Gustavo White 24 D Castillo
Marquez, Lonnie Silver 31 T. Kuzior
Martin, Annie Silver 11 Lumley
Martinson, Tami Yellow 15 Colley
Miller, Greg Yellow 07 T. Miller
Miller, Toni Silver 07 G. Miller
Mirabal, Mike White 23 Kukowski
Molina, Manuel Yellow 30 M. Jaramillo
Montoya, Mateo White 26 D. Saiz
Moorman, Sam Silver 20 Castoria
Moreno, Johnny Silver 16 Cordova
Mulle, John Yellow 17 Heckes
Ortega, Alan White 21 Sandoval
Pedersen, Dennis Yellow 03 J. Baca
Perez, Henry Yellow 19 Larsen
Reece, Linn White 18 -
Rodriguez, Gus White 36 J. Moreno
Rogers, Tim Yellow 35 No Preference
Sack, Rodger Yellow 06 Kiger
Saiz, Dennis White 26 M. Montoya
Sanchez, Derron Yellow 34 A. Sisneros
Sandoval, Pete Silver 21 Ortega
Sisneros, Albert Yellow 34 D. Sanchez
Smith, Mark White 36 No Preference
Stern, Jeff Yellow 08 S. Larkin
Sullivan, John Silver 28 J. Hamilton
Summers, Laura Silver 22 No Preference
Temer, Paul Yellow 25 J. Castillo
Terry, Craig Yellow 32 G. Maes
Terry, Lyene Silver 33 T. Maes
Vieth, Tom Blue 05 Laliberty