Under 8,10, 12, 15 Boys  Flag Events

Under 10, 14 and 18 Girls Flag Events

Rules and Conditions


  1. A parent or another adult (over 18), nominated by the parent, must supervise each child on the course. A supervisor does not require knowledge of the Rules of Golf but some knowledge would be helpful. The role is chiefly to keep player’s score and supervise their behaviour.
  2. There will be a boys’ section and a girls’ section.
  3. Competition shall run over 9 holes.
  4. Each competitor shall have 36 shots only, and shall place their flag where their final shot came to rest. The winner in each category shall be the competitor whose ball is in, or is nearest, the hole after his or her 36th stroke. Should the resting position of a player’s  36th shot be indeterminable the flag will be placed at the point where the ball was last struck. Competitors then can carry on if they wish to complete the full 9 holes.
  5. Competitors should register 30 minutes before their tee time and be on the first tee 10 minutes before their tee time.
  6. The tournament will be played in accordance with the rules of Golf as approved by R&A Rules Limited, additional Flag rules as follow and in accordance with the Local Rules of the golf course.
  7. Caddies are allowed for Under 10’s only unless special permission has been granted by the organisers.
  8. For all adults: please refrain from giving too much advice as this does slow play on the course.     
  9. All competitors will play from the same tees
  10. Not more than 10 strokes in total may be taken at any hole, including a maximum of 4 putts on any green. If a competitor reaches the maximum of strokes or putts for that hole they will record their score and progress to the next hole.
  11. Fresh air shots do not count
  12. After three failed attempts to play from a bunker, a competitor may throw his or her ball nearer the hole for no penalty, but only the three failed strokes will count.
  13. If a ball goes into a water hazard the ball should be dropped on the opposite side of the hazard, nearest the hole under penalty of one shot.
  14. Flags of other competitors that interfere with play may be marked, removed and replaced by the supervisor.
  15. On the completion of each hole, supervisors should agree the score with each of the other supervisors and players and record it on the score card.
  16. The organising Committee reserves the right to amend the conditions and the decision of the Committee will be final.
  19. alal, in all matters.