January 20, 2024
The Opening Day Tournament to be held on the January 20, 2024 and it is a 4-player Team event (ABCD). The format of play will be as follows:
It is a Lone Ranger format where, on each hole, 1 player of the team will be playing by himself/herself, while the remaining 3 players will be playing a 3-man Shamble. This means all 3 players tee off, then the 3 players select the best drive they want to use, and all 3 players then play their own ball from the drive until holed. The best score from the 3 Shamble players, plus the score from the lone player will count as the combined score for the team for the hole. 3 drives per player are required within the Shamble format. The drive of the lone player playing his own ball does not count towards the minimum drive count within the Shamble group.
The maximum score for each player per hole will be double net bogey. The App will automatically adjust any scores higher than the maximum. Men will be playing from the White tees and Ladies will be playing from the Red tees. The holes for the single player will be as follows (A player lowest index in the Team, D player with highest index).
A Player – Holes 3,4, 12, 15 and 18
B Player – Holes 1, 5, 9, 11 and 17
C Player – Holes 2, 7, 10 and 14
D Player – Holes 6, 8, 13 and 16
Tee times will be Shotgun at 6:30am and Shotgun at 11am.
The individual playing handicap will be calculated by taking 75% of the player’s course handicap based on their World Handicap System (WHS) Handicap Index. Playing Handicaps will be calculated based on the Slope of 133 and Course Rating of 70.2 (Whites Tees) for men and the Slope of 129 and Course Rating of 71.5 (Red Tees) for the ladies. The formula is ROUND (((HCP Index * (SR/113)) + (CR – Par))*0.75). The maximum allowable playing handicap will be 26 for men and 32 for women.
To be decided.
Play will be conducted according to the rules of the USGA, the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, and the Rolling Hill Golf Course Club Local Rules.
- Local Rule 7 (Alternative to Stroke and Distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds (E-5)) does not apply.
Registration/check-in times will be announced on Thursday, January 18 at 6PM. Please make sure to have your team arrive and sign in AT LEAST 20 minutes prior to your teams scheduled tee-time.
Rolling Hills Golf Club has a no “hard spikes” rule. All shirts must have collars. No tee shirts, sleeveless shirts, or cutoff shorts are allowed. Players will not be allowed to wear jeans on the course.
All Scoring will be via Golf Genius utilizing the online scoring feature. No Paper cards will be handed out.
We want everyone to enjoy themselves but also to maintain the pace of play. Remember to keep up with the team in front of you, not simply ahead of the team behind you! The lowest handicap golfer on each team is responsible to keep up speed of play for the team; do not spend more than a minute looking for lost balls. The event organizers are expecting all groups to complete the round in 4 hours. This is challenging in a tournament, but teams must take no more than 4 1/2 hours to complete play. If this playing time is not maintained by the morning group, it will be extremely difficult for the afternoon group to complete their round before dark. Rolling Hills Golf Club marshals will be on the course to monitor pace of play.
If your team falls behind the team in front of you by more than one full hole, the marshals will ask you to pick up the pace. If your team fails to comply with the marshal’s instructions and does not speed up play, the marshals (at their sole discretion) may penalize the slow-playing team by causing them to miss the next hole and each player shall record a score of Net double bogey for that hole.
NOTE: Teams taking longer than 4 ½ hours may be asked to leave the course after that time and each player will record net double bogey as their score for any uncompleted holes. If there are a large number of teams unable to finish their round due to slow play, the organizers will either assign par to those teams for unfinished holes OR (at the organizers sole discretion) take the average score of other teams in their flight who did complete the hole & assign that score to the teams who did not complete the hole(s).