Message from your President -  Oct 16, 2024


--- News for the 18 & 9 Hole Leagues --


Next KWGA Playday: Tuesday Oct 22, 2024

KWGA18 “Lucky 4’s” on Forest.  KWGA9 “Lucky 4’s” on Forest Back.

There will be Pots! Sign up as usual by replying to the email invite for the round or going directly into Golf Genius app. Once you are signed up, Chris will send an email sometime on Monday with your tee-time. Please review this tee-sheet so you know your Check-in time.

Note –If you are cancelling or adding after Sunday noon deadline:

18 Hole League: TEXT BOTH Mary Brenner 713-206-0149 & Chris Reiner 713-647-1779

9 Hole League: TEXT Charmaine Keene 509-599-6614.  


Tuesday Oct 29: General Meeting at 8:30 and then golf will have a Shotgun start.

KWGA18 “Evens” on Lake.  KWGA9 “Evens” on Lake Back.

Every member of KWGA is invited to attend the General Meeting at 8:30AM in the Magnolia/Pine Room on October 29 and vote on the incoming KWGA Slate of Officers.

Please find below the General Meeting Agenda for October 29 and the August 27 General Meeting Minutes to be approved.

AGENDA for October 29, 2024 General Meeting

OPEN THE MEETING                                                  Joan Rendl

Approve Prior (August 27, 2024) Meeting Minutes


Treasurer’s Report:                                                    Kakie Palmer

Playday Chair                                                            Kristin Shelton

Pairings Chair                                                            Mary Brenner

Tournament Chair                                                     Annki Lerner

Social Chair                                                               Karen Fennell

Nine Hole Chair                                                         Beth Mengden



Nominating Committee presents Proposed Slate of Officers:

President;                                                       Kakie Palmer

First VP, Playday Chair;                                    Kristin Shelton   

Second VP, Handicap, Rules & Pairings Chair;   Katie Stowers

Third VP, Tournaments Chair;                          Cheree Alexander

Fourth VP, 9-Hole Chair;                                  Beth Mengen

Social Chair;                                                    Karen Fennell

Secretary;                                                       Carol Atwood

Treasurer;                                                       Maryrose LeBus

Past President/Parliamentarian;                        Joan Rendl 



President                                                                            Joan Rendl

Discussion on proposal to Flight 18-Hole League Playday winnings

Announcements from the Floor


ADJOURN THE MEETING                                                      Joan Rendl


For your review (to be approved)

KWGA General Meeting Minutes from August 27, 2024

Magnolia/Pine Room – Clubs of Kingwood

President Joan Rendl called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m. With twenty-one members present, a quorum for the meeting was met.

The following board members were present:

Joan Rendl, President

Mary Brenner, Pairings Chair 18

Kakie Palmer, Treasurer

Carol Atwood, Secretary

Niclole Goldman, Past President & Parliamentarian

Ms. Rendl thanked the members in attendance especially since it meant staying after a full day of play and/or coming back after morning play.


A motion was made by Ms. Debbie Bradley and seconded by Ms. Nicole Goldman to approve the General Meeting Minutes from April 16, 2024. The motion passed.


The following Board Reports were presented.


Treasurer Report – Kakie Palmer

Beginning balance as of August 1st, 2024, is $12,839.57. The total to date collected for

Hole-In- One is $350, 18-hole Horse Race $220- and 9-hole Horse Race $75. The KWGA general fund balance was used to reimburse members out of pocket expenses for the member guest tournament until the 2025 tournament. The Member/Guest account balance is currently negative $2000.88 (as the tournament was canceled and expenses had already occurred). These expenses will be charged to the 2025 Member Guest tournament and the amount of $2000.88 will be reimbursed to the KWGA general fund balance from the Member/Guest account. The Pink Tournament account balance is $328.39. Invite Club issued a membership check in the amount of $8854.00 (this included a balance due from 2023 dues). Two new members have joined KWGA since January which brings total KWGA membership to 165 members (118 - 18 holes & 47 - 9 holes).


KWGA Budget for 2024


Budget 2024

Actual 2024

Membership Dues








Kick-Off Coffee




Play Day Certificates




Administrative Supplies




Northwood Interclub Dues




Monthly Birthday Cakes




President’s Cup Luncheon








Web Hosting (pre-pay for 2024)








Mystery Event (Split 50/50 for 18/9 holers)




Committee Expenses ($100 each 18/9 holers)




Championship/President’s Pendants




Championship Trophy/Bases




Break Pins/HIO Trophies




EOY Brunch




EOY Awards








Total Expenses






1st VP Play Day Chair – Kristin Shelton - no report.


2nd VP Handicap Rules & Pairing Chair – Mary Brenner

The following report was presented by Ms. Brenner.

Second Quarter summary 

•         a total of 14 same day changes for the tee sheet

•         a total of 6 no shows

•         a total of 10 playdays in the second quarter, all but one had pots open.  

•         Collected $357.65 in pot winnings.

•         Corinne Sorge is the big winner for Q2 with a total of $27.75 in winnings. Congratulations Corinne!


•         Players can make changes on Golf Genius prior to Sunday at noon before Tuesday play day.

•         Please text Mary and Chris of any changes after Sunday at noon

•         Currently, the check-in is time is 30 minutes before your assigned tee-time. There was some discussion at the meeting to change the check-in time to 20 minutes prior to the assigned tee time.

•         Pots are .50 each.

•         Players, please print your name legibly when signing in for pots.


3rd VP Tournament Chair – Annki Lerner - no report

4th VP 9-Hole League Chair – Beth Mengden - no report

Social Chair – Karen Fennell - no report

President – Joan Rendl 

The Member Guest Tournament has been cancelled. Items that have been paid for or donated will be held for next year.


Upcoming Events


Club Championship: Three Day - September 17-19 and Two Day - September 17 &19.

•         The board discussed and resolved to keep it a 3-day championship on 3 courses.

•         We are expecting all 3 courses will be open by then but won’t really know until next week.

•         If we find out we will not have 3 courses or COK cannot support the tournament on those dates, we will change it to either the first or second week in October.


Pink Event: October 15

•         Our Pink Event is a combined FUN event with the 9-hole and

18-hole leagues playing together and raising money for charity.

•         It will be same format as last year: $50 per person which includes lunch and donation.

•         Hole sponsorships will be available as in previous years.

•         More details will follow but please save the date for this fun and meaningful event.


New Members 

Since our last General Meeting on April 16th, we have two new 18-Hole members:

Joo Yoo joined in May and Lisa Vaught in August.


Sad News

Gail Ireland lost her husband Dick of 64 years on Friday, August 23rd. Lynn Gardella lost Joe, her husband of 28 years, on Saturday, August 24th. Both were in hospice for a

brief time and both went peacefully.


Course Update

•         Since the Marsh course is closed, Marsh course credit will be dropped from Year End Award Requirement.

•         Only 6 course credits will be needed this year.

•         Most members have met their course credit requirements. Only a few members need one or two credits.


Pace of Play

•         With only 3 courses open and having to share the course on our league days

more often, Pace of Play will be even more important.

•         Please keep that in mind as we go forward.

•         Some members noted that the length of the grass off the fairways was causing some difficulty in finding balls in a timely manner.


Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee for the 2024 Board will be forming soon.

 According to the by-laws,

•         The nominating committee shall be comprised of a Chair, and a representative from each flight, which shall include the current KWGA President and the Fourth Vice-President (9-Hole Chair).

•         No other board member shall serve on the nominating committee.

•         The nominating committee will determine the slate so it can be posted on October 15 to the membership: 2 weeks in advance of our Oct 29th General Meeting when we will vote.

•         The new Board will be installed at the Year End Brunch on Dec 10th.


We have had some members step up willing to be on the Board, but

Others are also needed. So, if you are interested in being on the nominating committee, the board or a

committee, please let Ms. Rendl or a board member know. Otherwise, someone from the

nominating committee may be reaching out to you. Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization and even though it does entail some time, it is a very rewarding experience.


Announcements and General Comments

Ms. Loretta Ilges requested the Board and membership consider using flighted payouts on a weekly basis for the 18- hole group. Pairings do not necessarily need to be flighted, only the payouts. The Board will take this suggestion under consideration.

A question was raised if volunteer points can be earned by supporting the Kingwood Charity Classic. Ms. Rendl asked that information for distribution to the membership be forwarded to her. There was also some discussion about how to award points.

Clubs of Kingwood - Chris Reiner said he would verify with the marshals about supporting pace of play on the Tuesday play dates. Start time next week will begin at 7:45 a.m. COK will continue to rotate courses for play days.

Holes 1, 9, 10 and 18 on the Marsh will be maintained for practice purposes.


The meeting was adjourned at 2:43 p.m.