Message from your President -  Aug 21, 2024


--- News for the 18 & 9 Hole Leagues --



We are Baack!

While there are only two courses open, it’s still tee-time starts and we will be sharing the course we play.


Next KWGA Playday & General Meeting: Tues Aug 27

KWGA18: “August “Ace of Aces” (shared course with OFWW)

KWGA9: “August “Ace of Aces” (shared course with membership)

There will be Pots!


SIGN UP SHOULD BE SENT OUT SOMETIME TODAY. Sign up as usual by replying to the email invite for the round or going directly into Golf Genius app. Once you are signed up, Chris will send an email sometime on Monday with your tee-time. Please review this tee-sheet so you know your Check-in time.


Check-in 30 minutes prior to your tee-time.

Please be on time! There is a 2-stroke penalty to a player that arrives after check-in.

KWGA18: Tent outside Pro Shop

KWGA9: Ladies Locker Room


AT END OF PLAY - always check that your scorecard and Golf Genius match!


Third Quarter General Meeting will be held at 2:00 PM in the Magnolia/Pine room. See the previous meeting minutes below (review and to be approved). Every member of KWGA is encouraged to attend.  Realize with tee-time starts the General Meeting is not convenient to attend but we sure hope you will make the effort to hang around after golf or come back for the meeting. Help us make a quorum!



Note –If you are cancelling or adding after Sunday noon deadline:

18 Hole League: TEXT BOTH Mary Brenner 713-206-0149 & Chris Reiner 713-647-1779

9 Hole League: TEXT Charmaine Keene 509-599-6614.   






Calendar Look-Ahead for the Leagues

Tuesday Sept 3: September “Ace of Aces”. September Birthday Cake!

Tuesday Sept 10: Stableford Points

Tuesday Sept 17, 18, 19: Club Championship Tournament

Tuesday Sept 17 & 19:  Two Day Tournament





Pace of Play

Pace of Play will be especially important now that we are sharing the course with other leagues or the general membership. Don’t expect to play too fast or too slow. 9-hole rounds should be no more than 2 hour 10 and 18 hole round no more than 4 hour 20 minutes.  


Keep up with the group in front of you.

Your correct position on the course is immediately behind the group in front of you. Arrive at your next shot just before the group in front leaves the area in front of you.



Here are some tips:


Be helpful to others in your group.

Follow the flight of all tee shots, and once in the fairway, help others locate their ball if you already know the location of yours.


Save time by playing a provisional ball if you think your original ball might be lost or out of bounds. Always have extra balls in your pocket. Do not look for a lost ball more than the allotted 3 minutes.


Your pre-shot routine is important, but don’t let it be too long.







KWGA General Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Magnolia/Pine Room – Clubs of Kingwood


President Joan Rendl called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m. A quorum was in attendance.


The minutes from the February 6, 2024, general meeting were presented. A motion was made by Brenda Simmons and seconded by Lori Robertson to accept the minutes with one spelling correction on a name. The motion passed.


Treasurer – Kakie Palmer

Ms. Palmer provided the following report.

Beginning balance as of April 1st, 2024, is $10,676.69. The total to date collected for 

Hole-In- One is $345, 18-hole Horse Race $220- and 9-hole Horse Race $75. This balance also includes the carryforwards for Member/Guests $3479.77 and Pink Tournament $328.39. We have 163 members who were billed dues of $55. We are still awaiting our check of $8,965 from Clubs of Kingwood for membership dues which will be deposited as soon as they are received. Below is the 2024 proposed budget.


KWGA Budget for 2024


Budget 2024


Kick-Off Coffee



Play Day Certificates



Administrative Supplies



Northwood Interclub Dues



Monthly Birthday Cakes



President’s Cup Luncheon






Web Hosting (pre-pay for 2024)






Mystery Event (Split 50/50 for 18/9 holers)



Committee Expenses ($100 each 18/9 holers)



Championship/President’s Pendants



Championship Trophy/Bases



Break Pins/HIO Trophies



EOY Brunch



EOY Awards



Total Expenses



This budget is similar to 2023 expenses. Major changes are the increase in yearbook expense of $120 and increase in Mystery Event - $50 due to increased costs. This budget reflects a shortfall of $1,267.


1st VP Play Day Chair – Kristin Shelton

Ms. Shelton provided a review of the playday divot rule as outlined in the KWGA Yearbook.


From the handbook:

On Playdays, but not in any tournament AND ONLY WHEN ANNOUNCED AT CHECK IN FOR THAT DAY ONLY. A free drop within one scorecard length will be allowed for any ball that comes to rest in any unfilled divot in the fairway, played on the same course, the day after a COK Tournament.


Ms. Shelton also reminded players to continue to validate their scorecards with Golf Genius, total putts and check their math.


2nd VP Handicap Rules & Pairing Chair – reported by Kakie Palmer (Mary Brenner not present)

Play day guidelines for 2024 KWGA18 were reviewed.

  Before Tuesday playday

  • Cut off for cancellations or additions will be Sunday @noon prior to Tuesday playday. You can make changes in golf genius before the cutoff.
  • Changes after Sunday @noon will need to be made manually by Chris.
  • Text Mary Brenner and Chris for any changes after Sunday @noon.
  • We want to avoid same day cancellations and no shows.


3rd VP Tournament Chair – reported by Joan Rendl (Annki Lerner not present)

The President’s Cup was held on February 27th. Upcoming tournaments include Member/Member Match Play (March 19-20), Member/Member 666 (April 23) and Eclectic (June 11-12).


Social Chair – reported by Joan Rendl (Karen Fennell not present)

Spring Fling is the next event on the calendar. (May 14 – 15)   The luncheon will be similar to last year.


Ms. Rendl also acknowledged Ms. Fennell’s and Ms. Bev Henderson’s efforts in cleaning out the storage closet in the Ladies Locker Room. Thank you!


4th VP 9-Hole League Chair –reported by Joan Rendl (Beth Mengden not present)

The 9 – hole Eclectic Tournament is scheduled for May 14 and May 21. 9 – hole golfers are reminded to sign up each week for closest to the pin and chip-in pots

during sign in.



18- Hole Horse Race – Cheree Alexander 

Ms. Alexander provided the following updates for the Horse Race.

  • Corrine Sorge has the roster. Please check with Corrine if you are unsure if you are registered or your current position.
  • This year there will be a wild card entry. The wild card entry will be based on attendance regardless of score. If you are already in the race, then you will not be considered for the wild card entry position.
  • Position points for entry into the Horse Race is based on the individual net score on qualifying playdays: ten points to the overall net winner the day’s game, nine points for second place winner, eight points for the next place winner, all the way down to two points. Everyone else gets one point for playing the playday.




Ms. Rendl recognized Carol Atwood for achieving a hole -in – one on Marsh #8 on February 20, 2024, during the regular weekly playday.



There are a few Yearbooks remaining. If you did not receive your Yearbook, check with Joan Rendl.


Guest Policy

Ms. Rendl reminded members that the last playday of the month is guest playday for both the 9- hole and 18 – hole groups.

  •  Non-COK members are welcome to play with the group. They will pay only a cart fee. The standard COK guest play policy guidelines apply (play is allowed only six times during the year and only one time per month).
  • If the guest is a COK member, the member can play with the group only once during the season as a guest.


Bees, Butterflies and Birdies

The membership was reminded about the upcoming Bees, Butterflies and Birdies Tournament  (four-person shamble) scheduled for May 14 and 15. Payment can be cash or check at registration ($150/person, $600/team). This is a member guest event. Please register by May 1st if you are playing. Volunteers are needed for set-up, the raffle, silent auction and table decorations. Donations are still being accepted (and needed) for the baskets. Suggestions included themes of Cinco de Mayo, Hoedown and gift cards for a money tree. Volunteer points can be earned for hours worked but not for monetary contributions.


Sharing the Course on a Playday

Ms. Rendl reminded everyone that today the 18- hole and 9 – hole groups are sharing the same course. The protocol for playing at a hole is the first team who arrives at the hole, plays the hole first (play in order of arrival).


Member/Member 666

The 18- hole group was reminded about the Member/Member 666 event. This event is comprised of two person teams. If you do not have a partner, Chris Reiner will pair you will someone. Sign up can be completed in Golf Genius.



Interclub play is scheduled for Thursday, April 18th at Willow Creek Country Club. There are still some openings. If you are interested or having trouble signing up, contact Carrie Faulkner.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 a.m.