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Message from your President -  Apr 11, 2024


--- News for the 18 & 9 Hole Leagues ---



Next KWGA Playday & General Meeting: Tues April 16

Note - Check-in times are different on General Meeting days!

18-Hole League Check-in times, tent outside Pro Shop: 7:40-8:20

9-Hole League Check-in times, Ladies Locker Room: 8:00-8:20


Please be on time! There is a 2-stroke penalty to a player that arrives after check-in.


Second Quarter General Meeting will be held at 8:30 AM in the Magnolia/Pine room. See Agenda below. Every member of KWGA is encouraged to attend. Come get the 2024 Yearbook if you haven’t received your copy yet.


After the meeting, 9 & 18 Hole Leagues will play golf.

KWGA18:   “3-3-3” on Marsh* (shared course)

KWGA9:  “S’s & T’s” on Marsh Back* (shared course)






*!*  April Birthdays   *!*


Cindy Blankenship       Mary Brenner          Anne Coughlin


Bobbie Glasscock         Joyce Gekeler       Rosemary Jenner


Barb Levengood        Ginny Nash          Judy Sexton


Lisa Stults         Patricia Strickland        Annette Wood





“Senior/Super Senior Tournament” held April 9. The Low Net winners for KWGA9 and KWGA18 will be announced at the Year-End banquet.




KWGA18 Results of “ODDS” on Forest held April 9:

Players:        34


WINNERS:     Net Score

Julie Eberly             32

Brenda Candelet     33

Brenda Simmons     34

Loretta Ilges           34

Anne Viault             34

Liz Curtis                 35

Lori Robertson         36

Corinne Sorge         37

Above winners receive $4 



Closest to Pin

Hdcp 0-24     Kristin Shelton         Hdcp 25 & up          Corinne Sorge        


Low  Putts:  

Hdcp 0-24 Bette McDermott         30  Hdcp 25 & up    Brenda Candelet     32


Chip Ins:      

Betty Conklin #1,  Carrie Faulkner #1,  Bette McDermott #2,  Joan Rendl #5         





KWGA9 Results of “ODDS” on Island Front held April 9:

WINNERS:     Net Score

Cathy Barrett          15

Tawn Smith             17

Brenda Fishbeck      17


Low Putts 16* (scorecard playoff) Linda Rinnan

Above winners receive $4 



Chip In Cathy Barrett & Debbie Hanselka

CTP:  Carol Atwood


Atta' Girls: 

Par on #3  Cathy Barrett & Carol Atwood



Calendar Look-Ahead for the 18-Hole League

Tuesday April 23: “Member Member 6-6-6 Tournament” on Forest* (shared course)

Tuesday April 30: “O.N.E.S” on Lake (guest day)

Tuesday May 7: “Ace of Aces” on Marsh* (shared course)


Calendar Look-Ahead for the 9-Hole League

Tuesday April 23: “Criers” on Forest Front* (shared course)

Tuesday April 30: “Lucky 4’s” on Marsh Back (guest day)

Tuesday May 7: “Ace of Aces” on Marsh Front* (shared course)




April 10 Island DIVOT DAY was cancelled & will be rescheduled.




AGENDA for April 16, 2024 General Meeting

8:30 AM in Magnolia/Pine room


OPEN THE MEETING                                                            Joan Rendl

Approve Prior (February 6, 2024) Meeting Minutes



Treasurer’s Report:                                                              Kakie Palmer

Playday Chair                                                                      Kristin Shelton

Pairings Chair                                                                      Mary Brenner*

Tournament Chair                                                               Annki Lerner*

Social Chair                                                                         Karen Fennell*

Nine Hole Chair                                                                   Beth Mengden                                                                                                    * presented by an alternate

18 Hole Horse Race Presentation                                          Cheree Alexander



President                                                                            Joan Rendl

Announcements from the Floor

ADJOURN THE MEETING                                                      Joan Rendl


For your review (to be approved)

KWGA General Meeting Minutes from February 6, 2024

Magnolia/Pine Room – Clubs of Kingwood



President Joan Rendl called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. With fifty-three members present, a quorum for the meeting was met.


 The following Board Reports were presented.


Treasurer – Kakie Palmer


KWGA 2023 finances are currently under budget for the 2023 year by approximately $580. We are still awaiting statements from The Clubs of Kingwood (COK) to finalize the report. Due to personnel changes COK is late with KWGA statements. For the 2024 fiscal year, KWGA currently has 163 members (115-18 hole/48-9 hole). KWGA membership dues of $55 were billed to each KWGA member. KWGA should be receiving a check from COK in February for $8965 for these billed dues. Please check your December/January statement to ensure correct billing was made on your account. A total payment of $480 ($240 each) was made to our two 2023 Hole-In- One winners. Collection of 2024 Hole-In-One and Horse Races pots are actively being collected.


1st VP Play Day Chair – Kristin Shelton


Procedures for recording Tuesday playday scores were reviewed.



  • Record gross score and putts on the scorecard.
  • Circle Chip-ins if you signed up to participate in the chip-in pot.
  • At the end of the round, subtract your handicap listed on the card from your gross score to record your net score for the day.
  • Total your putts.
  • Competitor and Marker must both sign the scorecard.


Reconciling Golf Genius

  • Once you have agreed that your printed scorecard is correct, the person keeping scores in Golf Genius for the group should read each score aloud, hole by hole (not just totals), as players check their scorecards to ensure accuracy.
  • Make sure the printed score card and Golf Genius agree.
  • If there is a discrepancy between Golf Genius and the scorecard, playday scorecards remain the official record of scores.


After Play

  • All scorecards must be turned in immediately after play, including those who withdrew from the round.
  • For the 18-hole league, there will be a box on a table in the ladies’ locker room to place your card. The box is marked “18-hole scorecards.”






  • When a player withdraws, scoring should STOP on both the paper scorecard and in Golf Genius.
  • Leave BOTH BLANK!
  • Golf Genius scorers should immediately stop entering scores for the withdrawn player.
  • Do not enter “X” in Golf Genius EVER. Leave it blank.
  • Golf Genius will provide a pop-up message that notifies the scorer that not all scores have been entered. Select “Next Hole or “Continue” for each hole thereafter.
  • If a player withdraws, but chooses to stay out on the course and play, no scores are recorded, and the player should pick up at their max.
  • Scorecards for withdrawn players must still be turned in and marked W/D.
  • If the player wants to record the round in GHIN, they must do so on their own as KWGA will not upload W/D scored to GIHN.


Winter Rules and Root Rule


  • Winter rules are in effect during November, December, January and February through the green which means everywhere except penalty areas.
  • You may Mark, Lift, Clean and Place your ball one club length but not nearer to the hole and you must keep the same environment.
  • In March, the root rule will come into effect. This is one club length relief if your ball rests on a root or the swing path of your club would hit the root (excluding penalty areas). You do NOT get relief for stance issues.


2nd VP Handicap Rules & Pairing Chair – Mary Brenner


Play day guidelines for 2024 KWGA18 were reviewed.


  Before Tuesday playday

  • We will play unless the club is closed due to weather conditions or another reason. Please check weather conditions on Sunday to confirm you still wish to play if conditions are questionable. 
  • Cut off for cancellations or additions will be Sunday @noon prior to Tuesday playday. You can make changes in golf genius before the cutoff.
  • Changes after Sunday @noon will need to be made manually by Chris. Text me, Mary Brenner, and Chris for any changes after Sunday @noon.
  • Please be mindful of the schedule. 
  • We want to avoid same day cancellations and no shows.


  On Tuesday playday

  • Check- in at the tent outside of the pro shop between 8:00 a.m. and 8:40 a.m. 
  • You will receive a two-stroke (2) penalty if you arrive after 8:40 a.m. Sorry, there are no exceptions to this rule. 
  • A player receiving a two-stroke penalty (2) for checking in late should record the penalty with the first hole she starts on and indicate on her scorecard that the penalty was applied.





  • Pots will be available during check-in at the tent.
  • You can sign up for Closest to the PinChip-ins and Low Putts for .50 cents each. 
  • Winners will receive pot awards on the following play day. 
  • If there are no winners, pot totals and sign-ups will carry over to the following play day.


  Start Time

  • Play starts at 9:00 AM unless there a general meeting scheduled. 
  • Players should arrive at the tee box and be ready to tee off at 9:00 a.m.
  • If there is a general meeting, play will start following the meeting. Players will be given 15 minutes to get to the tee box to start.


 Rules Clinic


Next week on Wednesday February 14th following a fun round of golf and lunch, there will be a rules clinic starting at approximately 11:45 AM - 12:15 p. m. Stewart Pilgrim will present the rules to the KWGA members.


Welcome to our new members, we will do our best to pair big and little sisters together.



3rd VP Tournament Chair – reported by Joan Rendl (Annki Lerner not present)


18-hole-League Tournament:   The Presidents’ Cup will be held on February 27th. This is a ringered event. If you want your score to be ringered, you need to hole out all the holes. Play format will be two (2) best ball net and pick your own team. If you do not have a team, sign up and we will make a team. There will be POTS. Sign-up for this event will be in Golf Genius for all members. All non-KWGA member Past Presidents are invited to play in this event. There will be a separate sign up for the optional lunch following play.




4th VP 9-Hole League Chair – Beth Mengden


Beth Megden introduced the new committee chairs for the 2024 9-Hole League season.

KWGA Secretary – Carl Atwood

Pairings – Charmaine Keane

Big Sisters – Melinda Coulter

Ringers – Lynetta Campbell

Social – Halina Kramer & Cathy Barrett

Tournaments – Kathleen Butts & Benda Fishbeck

Sunshine – Susan MacHugh


Before Tuesday playday


  • 9-hole members were reminded that online sign-ups and cancellations close at noon on the Sunday prior to Tuesday play.
  • If you need to change your status after noon on Sunday, 9-hole members must contact Charmaine Keane to be included or excluded from play.
  • This includes the day of play – Tuesday.



  • There is a weekly sign-up for Closet to the Pin (CTP) and Chip-ins for the 9 -hole league as well.
  •  Enter by signing the CTP and/or Chip-In sheet and contributing 50 cents in the respective pot.
  • Winners are paid on a weekly basis.
  • If there are no winners that week, a new sign-up begins the following Tuesday, and the pot grows since everyone taking part in the new week contributes 50 cents.  



Calendar Correction

  • Eclectic Day on March 19th should be noted as a day for Ringers.



End of the Year Awards


  • End of the Year Awards will be given for Gross, Net, Ringer and Putts for each flight.
  • In addition, the player with the most birdies in their flight will be eligible for the Birdie award.
  • The three-birdie minimum is waived for the 2024 season.



Registration for Hole-In-One and the Horse Race are still being accepted.



Social Chair – Karen Fennell 


Karen Fennel encouraged members to register for the upcoming Presidents’ Cup tournament. Lunch at Lakeside Terrace will follow tournament play. The cost is $24 per person.



President – Joan Rendl 


New members to the 18-hole league were introduced:  Julie Eberly, Karne Babb, and Tish Baisden.


COK Staff


  • Chirs Reiner, Tournament Operations Manager for Club of Kingwood (COK) was introduced. With Tim’s departure, Chris will be managing KWGA this year. Members may still receive emails from Tim and/or Chris regarding KWGA information during the transition.
  • Patrick Petit, General Manager COK, welcomed KWGA members. Please reach out to Patrick if he can be of help in any way.



FUN DAY with Rules Clinic

  • Wednesday, February 2024 will be a FUN DAY with the 18- & 9-hole leagues combined.
  • The day will consist of nine holes of play as a scramble on the Marsh at 9:00 a.m., followed by lunch and a rules clinic.
  • Lunch will be soup and salad for $15 inclusive, billed to your Club account.
  • The rules clinic will start between 11:45 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.



  • Carrie Faulkner announced the next interclub match will be February 22, at Woodlands- Traditions course. Contact Carrie Faulker with questions about COK Interclub.


  • Any members interested in playing interclub with Deerwood should contact Loretta Ilges.



Volunteer Opportunity

  • Divot Day is tomorrow, Wednesday, February 7, 2024.
  • Breakfast Tacos will be offered in Tavern 91 from 7:00 – 7:30 a.m.
  •  Participants will then head out to the course at 7:30 a.m. with work concluding by 9:15 a.m.
  • Participants will receive a volunteer point for this event.
  • Beth McDermott is Committee Chair this year for Volunteer Points.


Announcements and General Comments


18-hole members should see Cheree Alexander for information and sign-up for the Horse Race.


A request was made to expand the member information provided in the directory.

  • Currently, league, name, phone, email, birthday and spouse’s name are included in the directory but not the member’s address.
  •  A non-binding hand count of the membership indicated a majority (33 of 36members present at the time of the hand count) preferred to have addresses included in the directory.
  • President Joan Rendl thanked the members for their input and will take the matter under review with the Board.


Birthday Cake in the Ladies Locker Room after play today.



The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 a.m.