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Message from your President -  Mar 25, 2024


--- News for the 18 & 9 Hole Leagues ---




Next KWGA Playday: Tues March 26

KWGA18:      “Blind Nine” on Lake

Check-in time, tent outside Pro Shop: 8:00-8:40


KWGA9:        “Blind Five” on Marsh Back

Check-in time, Ladies Locker Room: 8:00-8:30



KWGA18 Results of “Member Member Match Play” on Island held March 19 & 20.

Cash Winners

Flight 1

1st      Anne Coughlin and Carrie Faulkner         23.5 points    $140

2nd     Betty Conklin and Loretta Ilges               21 points      $100


Flight 2

1st      Debbie Bradley and Corrine Sorge          24 points      $140

2nd     Karen Buchler and Lori Robertson           20 points      $100


Flight 3

1st      Liz Curtis and Karen Sisler                      24.5 points    $120

2nd     Joan Rendl and Susan Sowyrda              20 points        $80



KWGA9 “Eclectic” Results on Lake Back - March 19 & 20.

Cash Winners


1st Place Gross        Brenda Fishbeck with a 53           ($50)

1st Place Net           Beth Mengden with a 32              ($45)


2nd Place Gross       Carol Atwood with a 55                ($40)

2nd Place Net          Lynetta Campbell with a 33          ($35)


Chip In on Tuesday 3/19 was Gail Neely on Hole #16

CTP:  None

Atta' Girls: 

Par on #15  Charmaine Keane, Brenda Fishbeck, Halina Kramer, Susie Collins



Calendar Look-Ahead for the 18-Hole League

Tuesday April 2: “Ace of Aces” on Lake

Tuesday April 9: “Senior/Super Senior Tournament” on Forest

Tuesday April 16: “3-3-3” on Marsh* (shared course) AND GENERAL MEETING



Calendar Look-Ahead for the 9-Hole League

Tuesday April 2: “Ace of Aces” on Forest Back

Tuesday April 9: “Senior/Super Senior Tournament” on Island Front

Tuesday April 16: “S’s & T’s” on Marsh Back* (shared course) AND GENERAL MEETING



Soup & Salad Bar on Tues April 2, 11:00-2:00 

It’s been told that Salad Bar after golf was a pretty popular thing Pre-Covid. So COK is giving it a try to see if more ladies will stay for lunch after golf. This will be held on the First Tuesday of every month. Come for “Ace of Aces”, come for Birthday Cake and come to eat and socialize after play! ($14, XLife applies).




Distribution of 2024 Yearbook starts Tuesday at check-in.  

It is also published on Golf Genius.


Below are few highlights of what is new, back from previous years or revised for clarity. I hope everyone will review the book, as it is the guidelines for our organization.




A stipulated round is 18 holes for the 18-Hole League or 9 holes for the 9-Hole League and it must be played for a player to receive KWGA course credit, Ringer scores, and event winnings.  KWGA will upload those scores to GHIN. 


If a stipulated round is not played, KWGA will not upload scores to GHIN. In this circumstance, the player is responsible for keeping their own scorecard and to input their score to GHIN for handicap credit. Beginning in 2024, for a 9-hole score to be acceptable for USGA handicap purposes, all 9 holes must be played and when 10-17 holes are played, the player must post their score using the hole-by-hole score posting option.




In the interest of expecting fair play and an enjoyable experience at the Club for all, KWGA Members are to conduct themselves in a manner which includes adherence to the rules and etiquette of golf as outlined by United States Golf Association and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Clubs of Kingwood. Observed violations are to be submitted in writing to the Head Pro describing the incident and players involved or witness to so the matter can be adjudicated. Each situation is unique and considered accordingly, and if action is warranted could include, but is not limited to, warnings or suspension of playing privileges for a defined period.




WITHDRAWALS DURING PLAY:  If you withdraw (W/D), your score will not count toward course credit, Ringers, any Year-End Awards or playday winnings. Leave the scorecard blank for that hole and all remaining holes, mark your scorecard W/D and turn it in. If you choose to stay out on the course and play after withdrawing, no scores are recorded and you should pick up at your max.




Local Rule E-5 may be used on Playdays, but not in any Tournament.


18th HOLE OF THE ISLAND COURSE PLAYDAY RULE  – On Playdays, but not in any tournament: You may pick up and mark your score with a 12, taking 4 putts for that hole. For 18-hole League you must declare this BEFORE YOUR BALL IS ON THE GREEN, 9-hole League at any time.

And if in attempting to land on the 18th green, your ball has HIT LAND AND DROPPED BACK INTO THE WATER OR IF YOU HAVE FLOWN THE GREEN AND LANDED IN THE WATER ON THE OTHER SIDE, you MAY use the “DROP ZONE” (marked, or if unmarked is an area one-club length radius from the Pelican. For 18-hole League the Drop Zone cannot be used for shots hitting the bulkhead and dropping in the water, as the bulkhead is part of the hazard. A one-stroke penalty must be taken if you use the Drop Zone.



18-HOLE LEAGUE PLAYDAY RULE – If a player picks up her ball at any time she is then considered withdrawn (W/D) from the Playday and the score will not count toward course credit, Ringers, any Year-End Awards or Playday winnings.  The one exception on Playdays, but not in any  tournament, Island #18 you may pick up at any time BEFORE YOUR BALL IS ON THE GREEN and mark your score with a 12, taking 4 putts for that hole and not be considered (W/D).


9-HOLE LEAGUE PLAYDAY RULE  – On Playdays, but not in any tournament, a player has the OPTION to pick up her ball at any time but MUST pick up upon reaching 12 strokes. In these cases, her score will be a 12 and have 4 putts for that hole. She may continue playing the stipulated round. The round will count for year-end course requirements, putts and Ringers.  If done on Island #18 or Marsh #10 the player is eligible to be a winner for that Playday.  On any hole other than Island #18 or Marsh #10 the player is not eligible to be a winner for that Playday.    



HOLE-IN-ONE CLUB (Combined 18- & 9-Hole League) 

The KWGA has its own Hole-in-One Club for KWGA 18- & 9-Hole League members. To join, pay the Treasurer $5 at any time before having a Hole-In-One. The Hole-in-One must be made at The Clubs of Kingwood courses only (Marsh, Island, Lake, or Forest) and can be made any day of the week and must be attested by an adult. The round including the hole-in-one must be played from no closer than the silver tees (no Accelerated rounds/games are applicable). The yearly time period will be from the first Tuesday Playday on the calendar in January until the Monday before the first Tuesday Playday on the calendar of the following year. The pot will be divided equally by the number of Hole-in-One Club participants who have made a Hole-in-One in this time period and were paid members of the Hole-in-One Club prior to their Hole-in-One. If a person has two Hole-in-One(s), she will get two shares of the pot with the other winners. The money will be disbursed accordingly at the January General Meeting.  




BIRDIES FOR THE YEAR (Flighted) - A minimum of three birdies is required to be eligible for this award in each flight.  Highest number of gross birdies recorded with a minimum of 3 birdies required. Ties will be awarded.   9-Hole League will not have a minimum requirement to be eligible for an award, but the prize amount will be pro-rated for less than 3.



(see the Yearbook for the description)



Aside from listing your phone number and email, the ROSTER has addresses, birthday and spouse (if you responded to “opt in”).