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Message from your President -  Jan 27, 2024


2024 has started cold and rainy and after 2 playday cancellations due to weather, the outlook for this coming Tuesday looks much brighter!


KWGA Playday & General Meeting: Tues January 30

The first General Meeting of the year will be held at 8:30 AM in the Magnolia/Pine room. Every member of the KWGA is encouraged to attend. Then afterwards, both the 9 & 18 Hole Leagues will each play Ace of Aces. AND after play there will be Birthday cake in Ladies Locker Room to celebrate January birthday girls!


Check-in times are different on General Meeting days:

18-Hole League, tent outside Pro Shop: 7:40-8:20

9-Hole League, Ladies Locker Room: 8:00-8:20


Please be on time! There is a 2-stroke penalty to a player that arrives after check-in, even one minute is considered late.  Apply the two strokes to the hole you start on and indicate on your scorecard that the penalty was applied.

Bring your quarters if you wish to join in the various 50 cent pots. 

18-hole league has 3 (CTP, Chip-ins, Low putts)

9-hole league has 2 (CTP, Chip-ins)


We are still collecting for HIO and Horse Race so bring $5.00 for the Hole-In-One Pot and $5.00 for the Horse Race if you want to participate in these games.



Goodbye Tim and Hello Chris

In case you didn’t know, Tim Lovell had his last day at COK on 1/23/24 and now is the Director of Golf at April Sound, an Invited Club in Conroe. Stepping right in to take his place is Chris Reiner. Many of you know him from the Deerwood Ladies Assn. He will surely be missed there but we are lucky to have him here at Kingwood. So, a BIG WELCOME to you Chris from KWGA!!



Signing up to play & cancelling sign-up – by Sunday noon

New for 18 Hole League: to cancel or add after the Sunday noon deadline.

TEXT BOTH Mary Brenner 713-206-0149 & Chris Reiner 713-647-1779


You will receive an email about 2 weeks in advance inviting you to play in the upcoming Playday event. Select “Playing” if you want to play.  You will receive a confirmation email that will allow you to select “Not Playing” if you decide to cancel before Sunday noon prior to the Playday.


BE AWARE: Expect a transition period that some emails may still come from Timothy Lovell, while others will come from Chris Reiner.


Another way to sign up is directly through the Golf Genius app or Sign in using the GGID for your group, KWGA18 or KWGA9. Go to Member Portal, then KWGA18 or KWGA9 Info and then Round Signup. Scroll to select your name and select Next. It allows you to sign up, shows that you are signed up or to cancel your sign up.


Before the Sunday Noon deadline, you can add or cancel via the Golf Genius app or by replying to Tim’s/Chris’s sign-up email. After the Sunday Noon deadline, follow your cancellation procedure:

18-Hole League: TEXT BOTH Mary Brenner 713-206-0149 & Chris Reiner 713-647-1779

9-Hole League: TEXT Charmaine Keene 509-599-6614.   



Calendar Look-Ahead for the 9 and 18 Leagues

January 30, 2024: 9 & 18 Hole Leagues will each play “Ace of Aces”. (Jan)

February 6, 2024: 9 & 18 Hole Leagues will each play “Ace of Aces”. (Feb)

February 13, 2024: 9 & 18 Hole Leagues will each play “Throw Out 3 Holes”.


And Save the Date Wednesday February 14, 2024, for the first Fun Day with the 18 & 9 Hole Leagues. Play 9 holes, followed by lunch, and then a rules clinic.



First Divot Day of 2024 – on the Lake course

Sign up via Tim’s email or via the Golf Genius app:

Wed, February 7, 2024


Check in inside Tavern between 7:00-7:30 am

Breakfast Tacos offered in Tavern 91 from 7:00-7:30 am

Head out to fill Divots at  7:30

Usually done by 9:15 am


You will receive a volunteer point for your participation.



Some Playday Reminders


Be at your starting hole on time. Do not start early. Play at a good Pace of Play. 



Record Gross score and Putts on the scorecard. Please circle Chip-ins, but only if you signed up to participate in the pots.


At the end of the round, subtract your handicap listed on the card from your gross score to record your net score for the day. Total your putts. Competitor and Marker MUST BOTH SIGN the scorecard.



Once you have agreed that your printed scorecard is correct, the person keeping scores in Golf Genius for the group should read each score out loud, hole by hole (not just totals) as players check their score on the scorecard to ensure accuracy. Make sure these both agree!


If there is a discrepancy between Golf Genius and the scorecard, playday scorecards remain the official record of scores.



ALL scorecards must be turned in immediately after play, including for those Withdrawing from the round. Turn in to the Ladies Locker Room.  For 18 Hole League there will be a box on one of the tables to place your card (Marked 18 Hole Scorecards).



When a player withdraws, scoring should STOP on both the paper scorecard and in Golf Genius.  LEAVE BOTH BLANK!  Golf Genius scorers should immediately stop entering scores for a W/D player.  Do not enter “X” in Golf Genius, EVER.  Leave it blank!  Golf Genius will provide a pop-up message that notifies the scorer that not all scores have been entered.  Select “Next Hole” or “Continue” for each hole thereafter. If a player withdraws but chooses to stay out on the course and play, no scores are recorded, and player should pick up at their max. Scorecards for Withdrawn players must still be turned in and marked W/D. If the player wants to record the round in GHIN, they must do so on their own as KWGA will not upload W/D scores to GHIN.