Status of the Match


USGA Rules of Golf - Rule 3 - The Competition


3.2d(3) - Knowing the Match Score

(3) Knowing Match Score. The players are expected to know the match score – that is, whether one of them leads by a certain number of holes (“holes up” in the match) or the match is tied (also known as “all square”).

If the players mistakenly agree on a wrong match score:

  • They may correct the match score before either player makes a stroke to begin another hole or, for the final hole, before the result of the match is final (see Rule 3.2a(5)).

  • If not corrected in that time, that wrong match score becomes the actual match score.

Exception – When Player Requests Ruling in Time: If the player makes a timely request for a ruling (see Rule 20.1b), and it is found that the opponent either (1) gave the wrong number of strokes taken or (2) failed to tell the player about a penalty, the wrong match score must be corrected.