Welcome to the "2024 Men's Memorial" Event Portal


Men's Memorial


Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024




Registration Opens: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 08:00 AM


Registration Closes: Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 12:00 PM


Time: 9:00am Shotgun (Coinciding with Ladies Lonesome Dove)


Format: ABCD format


2 of 4 Net best balls.  Each player hits a drive, and everyone plays their own ball in from the best drive. 80% Handicap.

Handicaps will be determined by the player’s handicap on the signup deadline date


Rule of 85 will be in effect: If your white tee handicap plus your age is 85 or more, you may move up to the gold tees. Your handicap will be adjusted to your gold tee handicap.


Fee: $39.00 

Lunch from the Grill is included



**Winners Invited to Champions Dinner


Player of the Year

1st Place Team: 20 Points

2nd Place Team: 15 Points

3rd Place Team: 10 Points