ARTICLE I - Name and Purpose

The name of this Association shall be the Kingwood Couples Golf Association (KCGA). The purpose of this Association is to promote good fellowship and friendship among its couples golfing members. The KCGA encourages active participation of its members in the couples tournaments conducted each month throughout the year. 


ARTICLE II - Membership and Dues

Any couple consisting of one man and one woman, both of whom are Kingwood Country Club members 18 years of age or older, who both have established Kingwood Country Club (KCC) handicaps are eligible to become members of the KCGA by paying yearly dues. If a member permanently loses their playing partner, while a member, through death, separation, divorce, injury, or illness, such member may retain membership for the balance of the year. For any event, he/she may invite a playing partner that otherwise meets the membership requirements. He/She may also request membership for a permanent replacement partner that meets the membership requirements. At the time membership renewal occurs, the membership requirements above must be met. A special provision is made for KCGA members who are married and become a widow or widower while a member; the surviving widow or widower KCGA member may retain membership as long as the widow or widower continues to pay their yearly dues. Under this special provision, yearly dues for the widow or widower shall be one half the regular dues paid by a couple, beginning in the year after becoming a widow or widower.

The yearly dues shall be established by the Executive Committee in November of each year. Dues are not prorated for partial years and dues are not refundable.


ARTICLE III - Officers and Executive Committee

The officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice President/PlayDay Coordinator, a Secretary-Treasurer and a Social-Membership Chairman. These officers and the immediate past President, serving in an advisory capacity only, comprise the Executive Committee. Any vacancy in these offices shall be filled immediately by appointment of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall meet when necessary.  Any required business can be conducted after scheduled tournament events and will be considered a regular meeting.


ARTICLE IV - Elections

Section 1. All officers of the Association shall be elected at the meeting following the November tournament and shall take office January 1. Officers shall be elected by a majority of all votes cast. 

Section 2. There shall be a Nominating Committee of five (5) members appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee. Only one member of the Executive Committee may serve on the Nominating Committee. The slate of nominees selected by the Nominating Committee shall be posted in the Clubhouse two weeks prior to the election date. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor. 


ARTICLE V - Tournament Rules

Tournament competition shall be two person teams (one male, one female) or four person teams (two male, two female). Sunday events will be every month, usually the first Sunday of each month and will be scheduled for 18 holes.


All players must have an established Kingwood Country Club handicap and be a member in good standing of the KCGA.


In order to introduce Kingwood Couples Golf Association to new members and to promote membership, KCGA officers may declare selected playdays, excluding December, as "Guest Playdays" at which time non-KCGA couples will be invited to participate in a tournament. Guest couples must meet the requirements for KCGA membership and pay the regular tournament fee as billed by KCC. Guests are welcome to participate in the closest to the pin contest, purchase mulligans, and attend the dinner following the tournament but these activities involve additional expenses. Guest playdays shall not exceed three per calendar year and a guest couple may only participate in one PlayDay per year.


Sign up for Sunday events must be made on-line through the KCGA Website ( before noon the preceding Thursday. Sign up for any other special event conducted by the Association must be made on the website two days prior to the event or by Tuesday noon if the event is on Wednesday. Any member without a partner should put their name on the substitution list for any opening that may develop. 


Cancellations for the Sunday events must be made to the Tournament Chairman by noon the preceding Friday to avoid being charged the tournament fee.  In unusual circumstances, the charging of the tournament fee may be waived by the Tournament Chairman for late notification. If the Chairman is unavailable, any Committee member may be notified by the deadline. 


ARTICLE VI - Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present at any regular or special meeting of the Association. Any proposed changes should be posted at the Clubhouse and on the website two weeks prior to such meeting.


ARTICLE VII - Effective Date

These Bylaws supersede any existing Bylaws and shall be effective February 10, 2013.