May MGA Saturday 5.11.24 Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Sat, May 11

The Quail Golf Club - Current
Time Hole Players
The Quail Golf Club - Current
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Adams, Douglas
9:15 AM 12 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Northcraft, Greg + Richey, Wayne + Thornton, Kevin
Archer, Jim
9:15 AM 1A Gold/Blue Combo - Men Barrett, Dave + Cunningham, Richard
Barrett, Dave
9:15 AM 1A Gold/Blue Combo - Men Archer, Jim + Cunningham, Richard
Carr, Noel
9:15 AM 15A Gold/Blue Combo - Men Giffen, Jon + Gilmartin, Ron + Neil, Steve
Colloton, Robert
9:15 AM 15B Gold/Blue Combo - Men Gatley, Chris + Wilkerson, Donn
Cook, Steve
9:15 AM 17 Blue - Men Dickson, Robin + Gentry, Jay + Yager, Charles
Cunningham, Richard
9:15 AM 1A Gold/Blue Combo - Men Archer, Jim + Barrett, Dave
Daw, Bob
9:15 AM 14B Gold/Blue Combo - Men Gaspich, Thomas + Livingston, Marty + Nippes, William
Dickson, Robin
9:15 AM 17 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Cook, Steve + Gentry, Jay + Yager, Charles
Falkel, Mic
9:15 AM 10 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Kline, Ben + Sconyers, Mark + Van Doorn, Cornelis
Floyd, Jerry
9:15 AM 14A Gold/Blue Combo - Men Quilici, Dan + VanHootegem, Gene + Zimmer, Jay
Gaspich, Thomas
9:15 AM 14B Gold/Blue Combo - Men Daw, Bob + Livingston, Marty + Nippes, William
Gatley, Chris
9:15 AM 15B Gold/Blue Combo - Men Colloton, Robert + Wilkerson, Donn
Gentry, Jay
9:15 AM 17 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Cook, Steve + Dickson, Robin + Yager, Charles
Giancola, James
9:15 AM 13 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Pierce, Jim + Thorburn, Jim
Giffen, Jon
9:15 AM 15A Gold/Blue Combo - Men Carr, Noel + Gilmartin, Ron + Neil, Steve
Gilmartin, Ron
9:15 AM 15A Gold/Blue Combo - Men Carr, Noel + Giffen, Jon + Neil, Steve
Grant, Lindsay
9:15 AM 16 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Phillips, Douglas + Press, James
Handler, Ric
9:15 AM 1B Gold/Blue Combo - Men Holden, Larry + McWilliams, John
Holden, Larry
9:15 AM 1B Gold/Blue Combo - Men Handler, Ric + McWilliams, John
Ikemiya, Steve
9:15 AM 11 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Kimura, Royce + Mcewen, Alton + Wetterschneider, Larry
Kimura, Royce
9:15 AM 11 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Ikemiya, Steve + Mcewen, Alton + Wetterschneider, Larry
Kline, Ben
9:15 AM 10 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Falkel, Mic + Sconyers, Mark + Van Doorn, Cornelis
Livingston, Marty
9:15 AM 14B Gold/Blue Combo - Men Daw, Bob + Gaspich, Thomas + Nippes, William
Marcus, Brad
9:15 AM 18 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Miller, Cliff + Murphy, Steven + Neu , Tom
McWilliams, John
9:15 AM 1B Gold/Blue Combo - Men Handler, Ric + Holden, Larry
Mcewen, Alton
9:15 AM 11 Blue - Men Ikemiya, Steve + Kimura, Royce + Wetterschneider, Larry
Miller, Cliff
9:15 AM 18 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Marcus, Brad + Murphy, Steven + Neu , Tom
Murphy, Steven
9:15 AM 18 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Marcus, Brad + Miller, Cliff + Neu , Tom
Neil, Steve
9:15 AM 15A Gold/Blue Combo - Men Carr, Noel + Giffen, Jon + Gilmartin, Ron
Neu , Tom
9:15 AM 18 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Marcus, Brad + Miller, Cliff + Murphy, Steven
Nippes, William
9:15 AM 14B Gold/Blue Combo - Men Daw, Bob + Gaspich, Thomas + Livingston, Marty
Northcraft, Greg
9:15 AM 12 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Adams, Douglas + Richey, Wayne + Thornton, Kevin
Phillips, Douglas
9:15 AM 16 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Grant, Lindsay + Press, James
Pierce, Jim
9:15 AM 13 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Giancola, James + Thorburn, Jim
Press, James
9:15 AM 16 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Grant, Lindsay + Phillips, Douglas
Quilici, Dan
9:15 AM 14A Gold/Blue Combo - Men Floyd, Jerry + VanHootegem, Gene + Zimmer, Jay
Richey, Wayne
9:15 AM 12 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Adams, Douglas + Northcraft, Greg + Thornton, Kevin
Sconyers, Mark
9:15 AM 10 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Falkel, Mic + Kline, Ben + Van Doorn, Cornelis
Thorburn, Jim
9:15 AM 13 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Giancola, James + Pierce, Jim
Thornton, Kevin
9:15 AM 12 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Adams, Douglas + Northcraft, Greg + Richey, Wayne
Van Doorn, Cornelis
9:15 AM 10 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Falkel, Mic + Kline, Ben + Sconyers, Mark
VanHootegem, Gene
9:15 AM 14A Gold/Blue Combo - Men Floyd, Jerry + Quilici, Dan + Zimmer, Jay
Wetterschneider, Larry
9:15 AM 11 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Ikemiya, Steve + Kimura, Royce + Mcewen, Alton
Wilkerson, Donn
9:15 AM 15B Gold/Blue Combo - Men Colloton, Robert + Gatley, Chris
Yager, Charles
9:15 AM 17 Gold/Blue Combo - Men Cook, Steve + Dickson, Robin + Gentry, Jay
Zimmer, Jay
9:15 AM 14A Gold/Blue Combo - Men Floyd, Jerry + Quilici, Dan + VanHootegem, Gene