Men's Pairs Tee Sheet

Sun, July 21

Stanton-On-The-Wolds / White - Men
Time Players
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Alastair McLachlan Hollinwell
9:12 AM White - Men Clive Bentley + Peter Spencer + trevor green
Alexander Hull Notts Hollinwell Golf Club
8:27 AM White - Men Andy Cook + Colin Rodger + Joe Fitzpatrick
Andrew Davidson Oakmere
9:48 AM White - Men Mark Coulman + Richard Devine + Stephen Burnside
Andrew Law Chilwell manor
8:45 AM White - Men James MacLachlan + Mick Layton + Richard Stark
Andy Cook Hollinwell
8:27 AM White - Men Alexander Hull + Colin Rodger + Joe Fitzpatrick
Ashley Norwood Coxmoor
10:15 AM White - Men Ben West + Cole Betteridge + Dean Reddington
Ben West Coxmoor Golf Club
10:15 AM White - Men Ashley Norwood + Cole Betteridge + Dean Reddington
Benjamin Norris Stanton on the wolds
10:06 AM White - Men Gary Hudson + Philip Norris + Stuart Beaver
Cameron Steedman Hollinwell
9:21 AM White - Men Graeme Elliott + Reginald Lumbis + Tim Clarke
Charlie Annable Rushcliffe
10:24 AM White - Men David Brooks + Richard Annable + Stephen Ludlow
Clark Bellis Rufford Park Golf Club
8:18 AM White - Men John Allsebrook + Trevor Wass + simon bellis
Clive Bentley Hollinwell
9:12 AM White - Men Alastair McLachlan + Peter Spencer + trevor green
Cole Betteridge Sherwood
10:15 AM White - Men Ashley Norwood + Ben West + Dean Reddington
Colin Rodger Norwood Park
8:27 AM White - Men Alexander Hull + Andy Cook + Joe Fitzpatrick
Craig Banfield Wollaton Park GC
8:36 AM White - Men Elliot Cook + Ian Storer + Steve Evans
Craig Dickinson Stanton on the wolds
8:09 AM White - Men Danny Garratt + Scott Merrell + William Wood
Danny Alford The Nottinghamshire GCC
8:54 AM White - Men Duncan Chandler + John Purser + Simon Williams-Green
Danny Garratt Bulwell forest
8:09 AM White - Men Craig Dickinson + Scott Merrell + William Wood
David Brooks Coxmoor
10:24 AM White - Men Charlie Annable + Richard Annable + Stephen Ludlow
David Whalley Hollinwell
9:30 AM White - Men Keith Whalley + Michael Dodson + nigel whalley
Dean Boyle The Nottinghamshire
8:00 AM White - Men James Payne + Mike Brown + Robin Moody
Dean Reddington Sherwood Forest
10:15 AM White - Men Ashley Norwood + Ben West + Cole Betteridge
Duncan Chandler The Nottinghamshire
8:54 AM White - Men Danny Alford + John Purser + Simon Williams-Green
Elliot Cook The Nottinghamshire
8:36 AM White - Men Craig Banfield + Ian Storer + Steve Evans
Gary Hudson Coxmoor
10:06 AM White - Men Benjamin Norris + Philip Norris + Stuart Beaver
Graeme Elliott The Nottinghamshire Golf & Country Club
9:21 AM White - Men Cameron Steedman + Reginald Lumbis + Tim Clarke
Ian Storer Rushcliffe golf club
8:36 AM White - Men Craig Banfield + Elliot Cook + Steve Evans
James Glover Radcliffe on Trent
9:57 AM White - Men John Shield + Peter Higgins + Steve Fretwell
James MacLachlan Hollinwell
8:45 AM White - Men Andrew Law + Mick Layton + Richard Stark
James Payne wollaton
8:00 AM White - Men Dean Boyle + Mike Brown + Robin Moody
Joe Fitzpatrick Norwood Park
8:27 AM White - Men Alexander Hull + Andy Cook + Colin Rodger
John Allsebrook
8:18 AM White - Men Clark Bellis + Trevor Wass + simon bellis
John Hargreaves Hollinwell
9:39 AM White - Men Stuart Mcniven Young + Thomas Smith + Tim Smith
John Purser Nottinghamshire
8:54 AM White - Men Danny Alford + Duncan Chandler + Simon Williams-Green
John Shield Serlby park golf club
9:57 AM White - Men James Glover + Peter Higgins + Steve Fretwell
Kaine Binch Bulwell Forest Golf Club
9:03 AM White - Men Martin Millichip + Murray Banke + Reece Bestwick
Keith Whalley Notts Golf Club
9:30 AM White - Men David Whalley + Michael Dodson + nigel whalley
Mark Coulman Notts Golf Club Hollinwell
9:48 AM White - Men Andrew Davidson + Richard Devine + Stephen Burnside
Martin Millichip Mapperley Golf Club
9:03 AM White - Men Kaine Binch + Murray Banke + Reece Bestwick
Michael Dodson Hollinwell
9:30 AM White - Men David Whalley + Keith Whalley + nigel whalley
Mick Layton Stanton on the Wolds
8:45 AM White - Men Andrew Law + James MacLachlan + Richard Stark
Mike Brown Stanton on the Wolds
8:00 AM White - Men Dean Boyle + James Payne + Robin Moody
Murray Banke Mapperley
9:03 AM White - Men Kaine Binch + Martin Millichip + Reece Bestwick
Peter Higgins Radcliffe on Trent
9:57 AM White - Men James Glover + John Shield + Steve Fretwell
Peter Spencer Worksop
9:12 AM White - Men Alastair McLachlan + Clive Bentley + trevor green
Philip Norris Stanton on the wolds
10:06 AM White - Men Benjamin Norris + Gary Hudson + Stuart Beaver
Reece Bestwick Bulwell Forest
9:03 AM White - Men Kaine Binch + Martin Millichip + Murray Banke
Reginald Lumbis The Nottinghamshire
9:21 AM White - Men Cameron Steedman + Graeme Elliott + Tim Clarke
Richard Annable Rushcliffe
10:24 AM White - Men Charlie Annable + David Brooks + Stephen Ludlow
Richard Devine Radcliffe on Trent
9:48 AM White - Men Andrew Davidson + Mark Coulman + Stephen Burnside
Richard Stark Chilwell Manor
8:45 AM White - Men Andrew Law + James MacLachlan + Mick Layton
Robin Moody The Nottinghamshire
8:00 AM White - Men Dean Boyle + James Payne + Mike Brown
Scott Merrell Stanton on the Wolds
8:09 AM White - Men Craig Dickinson + Danny Garratt + William Wood
Simon Williams-Green The Nottinghamshire
8:54 AM White - Men Danny Alford + Duncan Chandler + John Purser
Stephen Burnside Hollinwell
9:48 AM White - Men Andrew Davidson + Mark Coulman + Richard Devine
10:24 AM White - Men Charlie Annable + David Brooks + Richard Annable
Steve Evans The Nottinghamshire Golf and Country Club
8:36 AM White - Men Craig Banfield + Elliot Cook + Ian Storer
Steve Fretwell Serlby Park Golf Club
9:57 AM White - Men James Glover + John Shield + Peter Higgins
Stuart Beaver Coxmoor GC
10:06 AM White - Men Benjamin Norris + Gary Hudson + Philip Norris
Stuart Mcniven Young Hollinwell
9:39 AM White - Men John Hargreaves + Thomas Smith + Tim Smith
Thomas Smith Notts Golf Club Hollinwell
9:39 AM White - Men John Hargreaves + Stuart Mcniven Young + Tim Smith
Tim Clarke Notts Golf Club
9:21 AM White - Men Cameron Steedman + Graeme Elliott + Reginald Lumbis
Tim Smith Notts Golf Club Hollinwell
9:39 AM White - Men John Hargreaves + Stuart Mcniven Young + Thomas Smith
Trevor Wass Coxmoor
8:18 AM White - Men Clark Bellis + John Allsebrook + simon bellis
William Wood Oakmere park
8:09 AM White - Men Craig Dickinson + Danny Garratt + Scott Merrell
nigel whalley Hollinwell
9:30 AM White - Men David Whalley + Keith Whalley + Michael Dodson
simon bellis Rufford park
8:18 AM White - Men Clark Bellis + John Allsebrook + Trevor Wass
trevor green . Worksop
9:12 AM White - Men Alastair McLachlan + Clive Bentley + Peter Spencer