
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.™ Tee Selection
Aho, Teejay 9.0 White
Allred, Rick 9.4 White
Anderson, Kent 11.4 White
Barker, Raymond 8.0 White
Barnes, John 10.9 White
Becak, John +0.5 Blue
Berger, Charlie 17.3 Silver
Bierman, Bob 16.8 Red
Bleier, Mike 8.5 Blue/White
Bluestein, David 9.3 White
Boisvert, Norman 19.9 Red
Bowie, Terry 19.5 Red
Brown, Zane 19.6 White/Red
Burtch, Sam 19.4 White
Calvert, Rex 11.4 -
Campbell, Jon 5.8 White
Carlyle, Curtis 6.9 Blue
Close, Brent 14.1 Blue
Colbert, Gene 21.6 Red
Contreras, Danny 13.2 White/Red
Corey, Jeff 10.2 White
Crow, Rodney 8.2 Blue
Crowley, John 12.0 Blue/White
Dale, Owen 17.8 Red
Donnes, Chet 12.0 White
Doris, Kevin 15.9 White/Red
Easton, Gary 4.8 Blue
Feick, John 13.9 Blue
Flint, Jim 20.4 Blue
Frazier, Chris 15.2 White
Gilbert, Lee 19.0 Red
Gilbert, Ronald 15.7 White/Red
Gill, Paul 17.1 White
Givens, Matt 20.1 White
Graham, Carl 14.5 Red
Gunnerson, John 11.4 -
Harper, Greg 12.8 White
Harris, Graham 14.2 White
Harvell, Bret 18.8 White
Jefferson, Vincent 14.6 Blue
Jones, Thomas 18.2 Red
Keasler, Don 24.3 Red
Landgraf, Jim 14.7 Red
Laughter, Ray 9.7 White/Red
Leroux, Bob 20.0 -
Livingstone, George 11.8 White
Lohman, Glen 9.2 White
Longley, Bruce 14.0 Red
Maddox, Brady 8.5 Blue
Martin, Alan 20.6 White
Martin, Jim 21.6 White
Morgan, Charles 13.6 Red
North, Tom 10.6 White
O'Connor, David 3.9 Blue
Olim, Marvin 21.8 White
Paschal, Butch 11.6 White
Peel, Michael 31.3 Red
Pfeiffer, John 17.9 Red
Raun, Richard 14.1 -
Reaves, Jb 24.5 Red
Riels, Jason 15.2 White
Riley, Dan 22.9 White
Sain, Phillip 13.7 White/Red
Salch, John 19.6 White
Sandoval, Simon 13.1 White
Shortridge, Gary 2.2 Blue
Smith, Blair 12.8 Red
Smith, Wade 13.0 White
Stegge, Bob 15.9 White
Swart, Marius 17.1 White
Tatum, Kevin 5.1 Blue/White
Thompson, Grant 9.3 White
Tompkins, Mark 13.5 White
Walker, Scott 18.0 White
Wedekind, Larry 12.3 White
Wise, Norm 9.8 White/Red