9-Hole Mixed Team Event - February Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Sat, February 10

Country Club of Charleston
Time Hole Players
Country Club of Charleston
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Allen Gibson
1:50 PM 5 Gold - Men Deborah McClure + Marshall McClure + Wendy Gibson
Ashley Davis
1:50 PM 3 Red - Ladies Jay Davis + Joan Fallon + Stephen Fallon
Christy Britt
1:50 PM 4 Red - Ladies Clarice Clemmens + Matt Clemmens + Thomas Britt
Clarice Clemmens
1:50 PM 4 Red - Ladies Christy Britt + Matt Clemmens + Thomas Britt
David Kilborn
1:50 PM 1 White - Men Kelly Skelly + Leigh Kilborn + Martin Skelly
Deborah McClure
1:50 PM 5 Red - Ladies Allen Gibson + Marshall McClure + Wendy Gibson
Fran Griffiths
1:50 PM 2 Red - Ladies Michelle Donnelly + Patrick Donnelly + Randy Teegardin
Jay Davis
1:50 PM 3 White - Men Ashley Davis + Joan Fallon + Stephen Fallon
Joan Fallon
1:50 PM 3 Red - Ladies Ashley Davis + Jay Davis + Stephen Fallon
John Linton
1:50 PM 6 White - Men Julia Linton
Julia Linton
1:50 PM 6 Red - Ladies John Linton
Kelly Skelly
1:50 PM 1 Red - Ladies David Kilborn + Leigh Kilborn + Martin Skelly
Leigh Kilborn
1:50 PM 1 Red - Ladies David Kilborn + Kelly Skelly + Martin Skelly
Marshall McClure
1:50 PM 5 Red - Men Allen Gibson + Deborah McClure + Wendy Gibson
Martin Skelly
1:50 PM 1 White - Men David Kilborn + Kelly Skelly + Leigh Kilborn
Matt Clemmens
1:50 PM 4 White - Men Christy Britt + Clarice Clemmens + Thomas Britt
Michelle Donnelly
1:50 PM 2 Red - Ladies Fran Griffiths + Patrick Donnelly + Randy Teegardin
Patrick Donnelly
1:50 PM 2 Gold - Men Fran Griffiths + Michelle Donnelly + Randy Teegardin
Randy Teegardin
1:50 PM 2 White - Men Fran Griffiths + Michelle Donnelly + Patrick Donnelly
Stephen Fallon
1:50 PM 3 Red - Ladies Ashley Davis + Jay Davis + Joan Fallon
Thomas Britt
1:50 PM 4 White - Men Christy Britt + Clarice Clemmens + Matt Clemmens
Wendy Gibson
1:50 PM 5 Red - Ladies Allen Gibson + Deborah McClure + Marshall McClure