BC Golf Policy: Qualifying for Golf Canada events
• Each Provincial Golf Association is allocated a certain number of spots into Golf Canada
national championships. These spots are referred to as quota spots.
• The number of entries varies and is calculated by Golf Canada based on field size and
provincial golfer results from past years.
• Golf Canada advises each Provincial Golf Association with the number of quota spots
available for each event. Notification is received well before the championship season
begins so they can be communicated to golfers before registering for provincial events.
• Members of Interprovincial teams (3 per province) are included in quota spots
British Columbia Golf Policy:
• For communication purposes, quota spots are split into 2 categories.
• First category is qualifying spot. The top 70 % and ties (not otherwise exempt) will receive a qualifying spot. Anyone who plays the provincial event (regardless of membership status) will receive a qualifying spot if they finish within the top 70%
• Example: If BC Golf receives 21 quota spots from Golf Canada the top 70% would be 14.7, rounded to 15 qualifying spots.
• If the top 70% and ties results in more players than BC has qualifying spots to a national championship, qualifying spots will be based on retrogression in the following order: lowest final 18 holes, lowest final 36 holes, etc.
• Second category is quota spots. After all qualifying spots have been allocated any remaining spots will be referred to as BC quota spots.
• BC Golf’s Championship department will advise Golf Canada as to who is receiving spots at the conclusion of our event.
• No quota spots will be allocated prior to the conclusion of the provincial event. This covers the possibility the top 70% plus ties utilizes all spots available.
• Any golfer who wishes a quota spot and did not enter the provincial qualifying event (ie Provincial Championship) must apply in writing to either the Director, Rules and Competitions, Managing Director,
Player Development or CEO (email request ok) prior to the start of the provincial event. Players are encouraged to include a playing resume in their request.
• Any golfer securing a qualifying spot must enter the national event by midnight (EST) 48 hours after the completion of the provincial qualifying event. Any player who does not register will lose the qualifying spot. If registration for a particular national championship has closed before the conclusion of the provincial qualifying event, they must register within 48 hours of being notified by Golf Canada of their ability to register.
• Any golfer wishing to be considered for a BC Quota Spot must be entered, but not accepted into the event. Players will not be charged the registration fee for a national championship until BC Golf notifies Golf Canada that a player has been awarded a quota spot.
• 24 hours prior to the conclusion of the provincial event the Director, Rules and Competition, Managing Director, Player Development and the CEO will determine the order on which BC Quota Spots will be allocated.
• Golf Canada will be asked to accept provincial players based on the order provided by BC Golf