Welcome to the Puerto Rico Junior Tour




Welcome to your first golf event. This step shows that you are loving every moment of your golf game development and more importantly, you are having FUN. 

Let's take a moment to review what you going to experience during your first ever golf event. 



Arriving to the golf course:


  • Once you arrive to the golf club facilities, be aware of your tee time. 
  • What is a tee time? A tee time is the scheduled moment in which your round begins. 
  • Once you are aware of your Tee Time you need to take time to warm up.
    • You can do some stretching to get your body ready.
    • Go to the range to hit some warm up shots with your different clubs. 
    • Chip and Putt in the designated area.
  • Keep an eye on the clock: As time goes by you need to be alert of the time. This is because you need to be at your starting hole, most of the time is hole 1, at least 10 minutes before your designated tee time. 
  • Make sure you have all the clubs and equipment that you will need for your round. 
  • Once you have checked all of the above, head out to your designated starting hole with your caddie.




  • You will be playing 9 (8-10 & Beginners) or 6 (5-7 division) holes each day.
  • There will be a maximum of 3 over par. Meaning: on a Par 3, 6 strokes would be the max. Par 4's, a 7 and on Par 5's an 8 would be the max. 
  • You can have Caddie (What's a caddie?) A caddie is a person who carries a golfer's clubs and provides other assistance during your round. 
  • You and your caddie need to keep account of your strokes and your fellow competitors. This is done by filling out the scorecard. (What's a scorecard?) The scorecard is a rigid piece of paper that a golfer uses to keep track of the number of strokes taken on each hole. 
  • Once your round is complete is very important to congratulate your playing partner.




  • After completing your round, you must go to the scoring tent where you will meet an event official who will help you corroborate your scorecard and make sure you and your competitor agree that all the scores entered are correct.



These are some of the most important things you need to be aware during your round. The rest and most important element during your time at the tournament is to have FUN, FUN, FUN.



All the best!