Player Roster
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Anderson, Adam
Anderson, Steve
Andrews, John
Apostolopoulos, Parry
Bailey, Chris
Barnes, Jim
Bertsch, Shane
Blair, Mat
Bogar, Eric
Bosis, Daniel
Brier, Markus
Burns, Gord
Champine, Jeff
Clemons, Lawrence
Conner, Steve
Davies, Greg
Deiters, James
DiMarco, Chris
Doing, Jim
Dukelow, Richard
Esposito, Frank
Fecker, Marc
Flaherty, Matt
Foster, Rex
Gibson, Robert
Gogele, Thomas
Goodyke, David
Granat, Jim
Griswold, Matthew
Gunthorpe, Jerry
Hajjar, Raymond
Hall, David
Hamal, Wayne
Harding, Tom
Harris, Ian
Hensley, Mike
Hickman, Gregory
Hill, Steve
Hoey, Doug
Holm, Donnie
Ironside, Alastair
Jacobs, Bob
James, Gerry
Johnson, Blake
Khan, Simon
Leslie, Jon
Lesniak, Rich
Long, Michael
Long, Trip
Lyle, William
May, Jason
Mccorkle, Todd
Mcintosh, Euan
Mckenzie, David
Muir, Kevin
Mulhearn, Danny
Neville III, James
Nowak, Michael
Ontiveros, Steven
Page, Jason
Palonis, Dan
Petrovic, Tim
Pond, Christopher
Proehl, Chad
Roth, Jeff
Sacheck, Timothy
Saip, Bruce
Sapp, Andrew
Sawchuk, Terry
Schneiter, Steve
Short Jr, Wesley
Slocum, Heath
Smock, Brian
Sowinski, Gary
Sullivan, Robert
Vandam, Bradley
VandenBerg, Tim
Vong, Kham
Watson, Robert
Werkmeister, Tom
Woodcock, Mike
Worboys, Daniel
Wright, Michael
Zavadil, Matthew