Lingfield Park (T2) Tee Sheet

Round 2 - Thu, June 20

Clutch Pro Tour / The Leatherhaed
Time Players
Clutch Pro Tour
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Adam Batty
10:58 AM The Leatherhaed Dani Hoof + Mitch Smith
Adam Sowton
8:02 AM The Leatherhaed Ethan Vater + Simon Cuthbert
Alex Horn
7:40 AM The Leatherhaed Freddie Sheridan Mills + Oliver Pritchard-Braund
Alex Stanyer
8:24 AM The Leatherhaed Egor Zotov + Luke King
Andrew Browne
9:08 AM The Leatherhaed Holly Haslam + Ollie Claireaux
Andy Little
9:30 AM The Leatherhaed Harrison Linney + Henry Kyd
Barnes Wallis
11:42 AM The Leatherhaed Dean Herbert + Lewis Beer
Benji Brew
9:19 AM The Leatherhaed Billy Scamp + Harry Bowness
Billy Scamp
9:19 AM The Leatherhaed Benji Brew + Harry Bowness
Brad Cox
11:20 AM The Leatherhaed Luke Jenkins + Russell Chrystie
Cameron Laird
8:13 AM The Leatherhaed Kieron Collins + Tommy Bruley
Charlie Salter
11:09 AM The Leatherhaed Jack Quilligan + Nya Fraser-Lawrence
Cosmas Mufaya
9:41 AM The Leatherhaed Lewis Stalley + William Dahlstrom
Dani Hoof
10:58 AM The Leatherhaed Adam Batty + Mitch Smith
Danial Parsons
7:51 AM The Leatherhaed Dylan Shepherd + Harry Speirs
Daniel Brooks
10:47 AM The Leatherhaed Reece Samson + Sam Merson
Daniel Stannard
10:25 AM The Leatherhaed Tom DOWDALL + Zak Robinson
Dean Herbert
11:42 AM The Leatherhaed Barnes Wallis + Lewis Beer
Dominic Samra
8:46 AM The Leatherhaed Duncan Scott + Louis Harrison
Duncan Scott
8:46 AM The Leatherhaed Dominic Samra + Louis Harrison
Dylan Shepherd
7:51 AM The Leatherhaed Danial Parsons + Harry Speirs
Egor Zotov
8:24 AM The Leatherhaed Alex Stanyer + Luke King
Ethan Vater
8:02 AM The Leatherhaed Adam Sowton + Simon Cuthbert
Freddie Sheridan Mills
7:40 AM The Leatherhaed Alex Horn + Oliver Pritchard-Braund
George Avgousti
12:04 PM The Leatherhaed Reece Goodyear + Thomas Spreadborough
Greg Hurley
11:31 AM The Leatherhaed Markus Braadlie + Warren Bates
Harrison Linney
9:30 AM The Leatherhaed Andy Little + Henry Kyd
Harry Bowness
9:19 AM The Leatherhaed Benji Brew + Billy Scamp
Harry Speirs
7:51 AM The Leatherhaed Danial Parsons + Dylan Shepherd
Henry Kyd
9:30 AM The Leatherhaed Andy Little + Harrison Linney
Holly Haslam
9:08 AM The Leatherhaed Andrew Browne + Ollie Claireaux
Imogen Courtney
10:36 AM The Leatherhaed Lawrence Courtney + Lee Carew
Jack Cullington
11:53 AM The Leatherhaed Jordan Godwin + Will Porter
Jack Quilligan
11:09 AM The Leatherhaed Charlie Salter + Nya Fraser-Lawrence
James Crossett
12:15 PM The Leatherhaed Piers Berrington + Tom Froom
James Thompson
10:14 AM The Leatherhaed Jonathon Hancock + Kieran Mansbridge
Jonathon Hancock
10:14 AM The Leatherhaed James Thompson + Kieran Mansbridge
Jonathon Hale
8:35 AM The Leatherhaed Kevin Ferguson + Mackenzie Dellimore
Jordan Godwin
11:53 AM The Leatherhaed Jack Cullington + Will Porter
Kevin Ferguson
8:35 AM The Leatherhaed Jonathon Hale + Mackenzie Dellimore
Kieran Mansbridge
10:14 AM The Leatherhaed James Thompson + Jonathon Hancock
Kieron Collins
8:13 AM The Leatherhaed Cameron Laird + Tommy Bruley
Lawrence Courtney
10:36 AM The Leatherhaed Imogen Courtney + Lee Carew
Lee Carew
10:36 AM The Leatherhaed Imogen Courtney + Lawrence Courtney
Lewis Beer
11:42 AM The Leatherhaed Barnes Wallis + Dean Herbert
Lewis Stalley
9:41 AM The Leatherhaed Cosmas Mufaya + William Dahlstrom
Louis Harrison
8:46 AM The Leatherhaed Dominic Samra + Duncan Scott
Luke Jenkins
11:20 AM The Leatherhaed Brad Cox + Russell Chrystie
Luke King
8:24 AM The Leatherhaed Alex Stanyer + Egor Zotov
Mackenzie Dellimore
8:35 AM The Leatherhaed Jonathon Hale + Kevin Ferguson
Markus Braadlie
11:31 AM The Leatherhaed Greg Hurley + Warren Bates
Miles Yeatman
8:57 AM The Leatherhaed Narendra Yonjan + Richard Shaw
Mitch Smith
10:58 AM The Leatherhaed Adam Batty + Dani Hoof
Narendra Yonjan
8:57 AM The Leatherhaed Miles Yeatman + Richard Shaw
Nicholas Adams
9:52 AM The Leatherhaed Paul Dunton + Steve Tooth
Nya Fraser-Lawrence
11:09 AM The Leatherhaed Charlie Salter + Jack Quilligan
Oliver Pritchard-Braund
7:40 AM The Leatherhaed Alex Horn + Freddie Sheridan Mills
Ollie Claireaux
9:08 AM The Leatherhaed Andrew Browne + Holly Haslam
Paul Dunton
9:52 AM The Leatherhaed Nicholas Adams + Steve Tooth
Piers Berrington
12:15 PM The Leatherhaed James Crossett + Tom Froom
Reece Goodyear
12:04 PM The Leatherhaed George Avgousti + Thomas Spreadborough
Reece Samson
10:47 AM The Leatherhaed Daniel Brooks + Sam Merson
Richard Shaw
8:57 AM The Leatherhaed Miles Yeatman + Narendra Yonjan
Russell Chrystie
11:20 AM The Leatherhaed Brad Cox + Luke Jenkins
Sam Merson
10:47 AM The Leatherhaed Daniel Brooks + Reece Samson
Simon Cuthbert
8:02 AM The Leatherhaed Adam Sowton + Ethan Vater
Steve Tooth
9:52 AM The Leatherhaed Nicholas Adams + Paul Dunton
Thomas Spreadborough
12:04 PM The Leatherhaed George Avgousti + Reece Goodyear
10:25 AM The Leatherhaed Daniel Stannard + Zak Robinson
Tom Froom
12:15 PM The Leatherhaed James Crossett + Piers Berrington
Tommy Bruley
8:13 AM The Leatherhaed Cameron Laird + Kieron Collins
Warren Bates
11:31 AM The Leatherhaed Greg Hurley + Markus Braadlie
Will Porter
11:53 AM The Leatherhaed Jack Cullington + Jordan Godwin
William Dahlstrom
9:41 AM The Leatherhaed Cosmas Mufaya + Lewis Stalley
Zak Robinson
10:25 AM The Leatherhaed Daniel Stannard + Tom DOWDALL