Clandon Regis (T2) Tee Sheet

Round 2 - Fri, May 31

Clutch Pro Tour / The Leatherhaed
Time Players
Clutch Pro Tour
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Adam Batty
12:05 PM The Leatherhaed George Avgousti + Nya Fraser-Lawrence
Alex Walker
12:16 PM The Leatherhaed Ben Hall + Shergo Al Kurdi
Alkyonie Aharidis
11:10 AM The Leatherhaed Barnes Wallis + Liam Murray
Andy Little
7:52 AM The Leatherhaed Kenny Thompson + Paul Ellinghorst
Angus Flanagan
1:00 PM The Leatherhaed Markus Braadlie + William Harrold
Antoni Hawkins
8:25 AM The Leatherhaed David Pike + Dominic Samra
Barnes Wallis
11:10 AM The Leatherhaed Alkyonie Aharidis + Liam Murray
Ben Hall
12:16 PM The Leatherhaed Alex Walker + Shergo Al Kurdi
Ben Woodward
10:48 AM The Leatherhaed Egor Zotov + Reece Samson
Billy Scamp
9:31 AM The Leatherhaed Thomas Slattery + Thomas Spreadborough
Brad Cox
9:53 AM The Leatherhaed Jamie Gibbons + Kaiden Ironside
Brook Langmead
7:41 AM The Leatherhaed Jack Ritchie-Roux
Cameron Doherty
8:36 AM The Leatherhaed Jonathan Hobson + Kevin Ferguson
Cameron Laird
9:09 AM The Leatherhaed Kieran Mansbridge + Lewis Stalley
Charlie Salter
11:54 AM The Leatherhaed Greg Hurley + Sam Hessian
Charlie Herbert
9:20 AM The Leatherhaed Enzo Avery + Nicholas Adams
Chris Thomas
10:15 AM The Leatherhaed Oliver Pritchard-Braund + Steve Tooth
Christian Pitsillides
8:03 AM The Leatherhaed Henry Kyd + Jack Manley
Conor Coles
11:43 AM The Leatherhaed Lewis Beer + Warren Bates
Craig Farrelly
12:27 PM The Leatherhaed Dani Hoof + Jack Madden
Dan Magee
10:26 AM The Leatherhaed Ethan Grenville-Wood + Ignatius McGuinness
Dani Hoof
12:27 PM The Leatherhaed Craig Farrelly + Jack Madden
Daniel Brooks
10:37 AM The Leatherhaed Josh Davenport + Sean Gay
David Pike
8:25 AM The Leatherhaed Antoni Hawkins + Dominic Samra
Dominic Samra
8:25 AM The Leatherhaed Antoni Hawkins + David Pike
Duncan Scott
8:14 AM The Leatherhaed Mohammed Hirji + Richard Shaw
Ed Keep
11:21 AM The Leatherhaed Gyu Lee + Max Jordan
Egor Zotov
10:48 AM The Leatherhaed Ben Woodward + Reece Samson
Enzo Avery
9:20 AM The Leatherhaed Charlie Herbert + Nicholas Adams
Ethan Grenville-Wood
10:26 AM The Leatherhaed Dan Magee + Ignatius McGuinness
George Avgousti
12:05 PM The Leatherhaed Adam Batty + Nya Fraser-Lawrence
Greg Davies
11:32 AM The Leatherhaed Jack Cullington + Jonathon Hancock
Greg Hurley
11:54 AM The Leatherhaed Charlie Salter + Sam Hessian
Gyu Lee
11:21 AM The Leatherhaed Ed Keep + Max Jordan
Harrison Linney
10:59 AM The Leatherhaed Luke Reynolds + Micah Blowers
Harry Bigham
8:47 AM The Leatherhaed Jack Kane + Jude kane
Harry Speirs
7:30 AM The Leatherhaed Hongda Zhu
Henry Kyd
8:03 AM The Leatherhaed Christian Pitsillides + Jack Manley
Hongda Zhu
7:30 AM The Leatherhaed Harry Speirs
Ignatius McGuinness
10:26 AM The Leatherhaed Dan Magee + Ethan Grenville-Wood
Imogen Courtney
10:04 AM The Leatherhaed Lawrence Courtney + Ollie Claireaux
Ioan Drosinos
12:38 PM The Leatherhaed Jordan Boulton + Seve Benson
Jack Bigham
12:49 PM The Leatherhaed Mitch Smith + Sam Connor
Jack Cullington
11:32 AM The Leatherhaed Greg Davies + Jonathon Hancock
Jack Howes
8:58 AM The Leatherhaed Jason McGuinness + Matt Fox
Jack Kane
8:47 AM The Leatherhaed Harry Bigham + Jude kane
Jack Madden
12:27 PM The Leatherhaed Craig Farrelly + Dani Hoof
Jack Manley
8:03 AM The Leatherhaed Christian Pitsillides + Henry Kyd
Jack Ritchie-Roux
7:41 AM The Leatherhaed Brook Langmead
Jamie Gibbons
9:53 AM The Leatherhaed Brad Cox + Kaiden Ironside
Jason McGuinness
8:58 AM The Leatherhaed Jack Howes + Matt Fox
Jonathan Hobson
8:36 AM The Leatherhaed Cameron Doherty + Kevin Ferguson
Jonathon Hancock
11:32 AM The Leatherhaed Greg Davies + Jack Cullington
Jordan Boulton
12:38 PM The Leatherhaed Ioan Drosinos + Seve Benson
Josh Davenport
10:37 AM The Leatherhaed Daniel Brooks + Sean Gay
Jude kane
8:47 AM The Leatherhaed Harry Bigham + Jack Kane
Kaiden Ironside
9:53 AM The Leatherhaed Brad Cox + Jamie Gibbons
Kenny Thompson
7:52 AM The Leatherhaed Andy Little + Paul Ellinghorst
Kevin Ferguson
8:36 AM The Leatherhaed Cameron Doherty + Jonathan Hobson
Kieran Mansbridge
9:09 AM The Leatherhaed Cameron Laird + Lewis Stalley
Lawrence Courtney
10:04 AM The Leatherhaed Imogen Courtney + Ollie Claireaux
Lewis Beer
11:43 AM The Leatherhaed Conor Coles + Warren Bates
Lewis Stalley
9:09 AM The Leatherhaed Cameron Laird + Kieran Mansbridge
Liam Murray
11:10 AM The Leatherhaed Alkyonie Aharidis + Barnes Wallis
Luke Reynolds
10:59 AM The Leatherhaed Harrison Linney + Micah Blowers
Markus Braadlie
1:00 PM The Leatherhaed Angus Flanagan + William Harrold
Matt Fox
8:58 AM The Leatherhaed Jack Howes + Jason McGuinness
Max Jordan
11:21 AM The Leatherhaed Ed Keep + Gyu Lee
Max Saunders
9:42 AM The Leatherhaed Michael Rush + Rohan Miah
Micah Blowers
10:59 AM The Leatherhaed Harrison Linney + Luke Reynolds
Michael Rush
9:42 AM The Leatherhaed Max Saunders + Rohan Miah
Mitch Smith
12:49 PM The Leatherhaed Jack Bigham + Sam Connor
Mohammed Hirji
8:14 AM The Leatherhaed Duncan Scott + Richard Shaw
Nicholas Adams
9:20 AM The Leatherhaed Charlie Herbert + Enzo Avery
Nya Fraser-Lawrence
12:05 PM The Leatherhaed Adam Batty + George Avgousti
Oliver Pritchard-Braund
10:15 AM The Leatherhaed Chris Thomas + Steve Tooth
Ollie Claireaux
10:04 AM The Leatherhaed Imogen Courtney + Lawrence Courtney
Paul Ellinghorst
7:52 AM The Leatherhaed Andy Little + Kenny Thompson
Reece Samson
10:48 AM The Leatherhaed Ben Woodward + Egor Zotov
Richard Shaw
8:14 AM The Leatherhaed Duncan Scott + Mohammed Hirji
Rohan Miah
9:42 AM The Leatherhaed Max Saunders + Michael Rush
Sam Connor
12:49 PM The Leatherhaed Jack Bigham + Mitch Smith
Sam Hessian
11:54 AM The Leatherhaed Charlie Salter + Greg Hurley
Sean Gay
10:37 AM The Leatherhaed Daniel Brooks + Josh Davenport
Seve Benson
12:38 PM The Leatherhaed Ioan Drosinos + Jordan Boulton
Shergo Al Kurdi
12:16 PM The Leatherhaed Alex Walker + Ben Hall
Steve Tooth
10:15 AM The Leatherhaed Chris Thomas + Oliver Pritchard-Braund
Thomas Slattery
9:31 AM The Leatherhaed Billy Scamp + Thomas Spreadborough
Thomas Spreadborough
9:31 AM The Leatherhaed Billy Scamp + Thomas Slattery
Warren Bates
11:43 AM The Leatherhaed Conor Coles + Lewis Beer
William Harrold
1:00 PM The Leatherhaed Angus Flanagan + Markus Braadlie