
Player Roster

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Last Name First Name Handle H.I.™ Flight Tour Division
Ackerman Jeff Jeff Ackerman 13.0 Sr Silver (13.0 - 16.9) Dallas SILVER DIVISION, SILVER / PATRIOT SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Akins Tyler Tyler Akins 5.4 Diamond (5.0 - 8.9) Oklahoma DIAMOND DIVISION, CHAMP / DIAMOND SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Barrier Dru Dru Barrier 5.4 Diamond (5.0 - 8.9) Oklahoma DIAMOND DIVISION, CHAMP / DIAMOND SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Brown Travis Travis Brown 7.7 Diamond (5.0 - 8.9) Oklahoma DIAMOND DIVISION, CHAMP / DIAMOND SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Consemiu Reymundo Reymundo Consemiu 5.3 Diamond (5.0 - 8.9) - DIAMOND DIVISION, CHAMP / DIAMOND SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Cox Mike Mike Cox 13.3 Sr Silver (13.0 - 16.9) Dallas SILVER DIVISION, SILVER / PATRIOT SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Creech Bobby Bobby Creech 12.2 Gold (9.0 - 12.9) Dallas GOLD DIVISION, GOLD SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Crossan Annette Annette Crossan 22.0 Patriot (17+) Dallas PATRIOT DIVISION, SILVER / PATRIOT SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Crossan Mackie Mackie Crossan 9.8 Sr Gold (9.0 - 12.9) Dallas GOLD DIVISION, GOLD SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Daneshfar Jalil Jalil Daneshfar 11.8 Sr Gold (9.0 - 12.9) Dallas GOLD DIVISION, GOLD SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Daneshfar Zoey Zoey Daneshfar 7.5 Diamond (5.0 - 8.9) Dallas DIAMOND DIVISION, CHAMP / DIAMOND SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Daneshfar - Williams Julia Julia Daneshfar - Williams 12.0 Gold (9.0 - 12.9) Dallas GOLD DIVISION, GOLD SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Fitzpatrick Andre Andre Fitzpatrick 15.5 Sr Silver (13.0 - 16.9) Dallas SILVER DIVISION, SILVER / PATRIOT SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Foster Michael Michael Foster 10.8 Sr Gold (9.0 - 12.9) Oklahoma GOLD DIVISION, GOLD SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Freeman Trecia Trecia Freeman 19.4 Sr Patriot (17+) Dallas PATRIOT DIVISION, SILVER / PATRIOT SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Gallemore Myles Myles Gallemore 12.2 Sr Gold (9.0 - 12.9) Dallas GOLD DIVISION, GOLD SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Geihl Nancy Nancy Geihl 13.1 Sr Silver (13.0 - 16.9) Dallas SILVER DIVISION, SILVER / PATRIOT SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Hart Bobby Bobby Hart 11.5 Sr Gold (9.0 - 12.9) Dallas GOLD DIVISION, GOLD SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Hawkins Greg Greg Hawkins 8.0 Sr Diamond (5.0 - 8.9) Oklahoma DIAMOND DIVISION, CHAMP / DIAMOND SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Helms Mark Mark Helms 16.2 Sr Silver (13.0 - 16.9) Oklahoma SILVER DIVISION, SILVER / PATRIOT SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Hicks Michael Michael Hicks 15.2 Sr Silver (13.0 - 16.9) Oklahoma SILVER DIVISION, SILVER / PATRIOT SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Kambury Stu Stu Kambury 12.4 Sr Gold (9.0 - 12.9) Dallas GOLD DIVISION, GOLD SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Klosterman Jeff Jeff Klosterman 10.5 Sr Gold (9.0 - 12.9) Oklahoma GOLD DIVISION, GOLD SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
McKenzie Scott Scott McKenzie 8.9 Diamond (5.0 - 8.9) Oklahoma DIAMOND DIVISION, CHAMP / DIAMOND SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Nay Bill Bill Nay 10.6 Sr Gold (9.0 - 12.9) Dallas GOLD DIVISION, GOLD SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Neff Jon Jon Neff 11.0 Sr Gold (9.0 - 12.9) Dallas GOLD DIVISION, GOLD SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Prestridge Scott Scott Prestridge 11.0 Sr Gold (9.0 - 12.9) Dallas GOLD DIVISION, GOLD SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Rodgers Burnie Burnie Rodgers 17.6 Sr Patriot (17+) Dallas PATRIOT DIVISION, SILVER / PATRIOT SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Sitz Randy Randy Sitz 9.7 Sr Diamond (5.0 - 8.9) Dallas DIAMOND DIVISION, CHAMP / DIAMOND SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Stockton Tom Tom Stockton 16.1 Sr Silver (13.0 - 16.9) Dallas SILVER DIVISION, SILVER / PATRIOT SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Suzuki Steve Steve Suzuki 5.1 Sr Championship (4.9 and under) Dallas CHAMP DIVISION, CHAMP / DIAMOND SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Swanson Rick Rick Swanson 12.9 Sr Gold (9.0 - 12.9) Dallas GOLD DIVISION, GOLD SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT
Templin Tommy Tommy Templin 19.6 Sr Patriot (17+) Dallas PATRIOT DIVISION, SILVER / PATRIOT SKINS, GIANT SKINS, 3 - GAME TOURNAMENT