International Pairs World Final 2023 Tee Sheet

Round 2 - Thu, November 9

The Guardian Bom Sucesso Golf
Time Hole Players
The Guardian Bom Sucesso Golf
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Andrea Comin
9:20 AM 10 Yellow Tee Edidiong Efiong Idiong + Franco Pagliaro Garna + Usenobong Otu Akpabio
Anna-Marie Cash-Tobin
10:00 AM 1 Red Tee Female Joy Vorster + Nita Dalziel + Tracy Kelly
Anthony Korir
9:20 AM 1 Yellow Tee Carel Wille + Rory James Mundy + Sam Chepkwony
Belinda Barry
9:30 AM 10 Red Tee Female Collins Mwesigwa Kagombe + Jackie Kwesiga + Mark Barry
Bengt Westman
9:10 AM 10 Yellow Tee Mohit Talwar + Paul Welen + Rajiv Sharma
Carel Wille
9:20 AM 1 Yellow Tee Anthony Korir + Rory James Mundy + Sam Chepkwony
Collins Mwesigwa Kagombe
9:30 AM 10 Yellow Tee Belinda Barry + Jackie Kwesiga + Mark Barry
Des D'Emiljo
9:10 AM 1 Yellow Tee Luis Reinaldo Menicucci Morel + Lukas Kotzé + Saulo Mota Berrido
Edidiong Efiong Idiong
9:20 AM 10 Yellow Tee Andrea Comin + Franco Pagliaro Garna + Usenobong Otu Akpabio
Elsie Kim
9:00 AM 10 Red Tee Female Leo Lee + Song Kabsuk Song + Yusang Lee
Ettienne Eugène Barnard
9:40 AM 1 Yellow Tee Francois Malan Barnard + Joseph Daubney + Lee Beeson
Franco Pagliaro Garna
9:20 AM 10 Yellow Tee Andrea Comin + Edidiong Efiong Idiong + Usenobong Otu Akpabio
Francois Malan Barnard
9:40 AM 1 Yellow Tee Ettienne Eugène Barnard + Joseph Daubney + Lee Beeson
Geoffrey Peter McLean
10:00 AM 10 Yellow Tee Isaac Kuto + James Allen + Nelson Koech
Gina Bianca Woolley
9:40 AM 10 Blue Tee Female Jodie Deacon + Mark Deacon + Simon James Mottershead
Ignatius Ngetich
9:50 AM 1 Yellow Tee Joel Chebon + João Oliveira + Nuno Azevedo Neves
Isaac Kuto
10:00 AM 10 Yellow Tee Geoffrey Peter McLean + James Allen + Nelson Koech
Jackie Kwesiga
9:30 AM 10 Red Tee Female Belinda Barry + Collins Mwesigwa Kagombe + Mark Barry
James Allen
10:00 AM 10 Yellow Tee Geoffrey Peter McLean + Isaac Kuto + Nelson Koech
Jodie Deacon
9:40 AM 10 Red Tee Female Gina Bianca Woolley + Mark Deacon + Simon James Mottershead
Joel Chebon
9:50 AM 1 Yellow Tee Ignatius Ngetich + João Oliveira + Nuno Azevedo Neves
Joseph Daubney
9:40 AM 1 Yellow Tee Ettienne Eugène Barnard + Francois Malan Barnard + Lee Beeson
Joy Vorster
10:00 AM 1 Red Tee Female Anna-Marie Cash-Tobin + Nita Dalziel + Tracy Kelly
João Oliveira
9:50 AM 1 Yellow Tee Ignatius Ngetich + Joel Chebon + Nuno Azevedo Neves
Lars I. Clausen
9:30 AM 1 Yellow Tee Michael niss Bertelsen + Pieter Chris de Bruin + Wiets Lodewyk Alberts
Lee Beeson
9:40 AM 1 Yellow Tee Ettienne Eugène Barnard + Francois Malan Barnard + Joseph Daubney
Leo Lee
9:00 AM 10 Yellow Tee Elsie Kim + Song Kabsuk Song + Yusang Lee
Luis Reinaldo Menicucci Morel
9:10 AM 1 Yellow Tee Des D'Emiljo + Lukas Kotzé + Saulo Mota Berrido
Lukas Kotzé
9:10 AM 1 Yellow Tee Des D'Emiljo + Luis Reinaldo Menicucci Morel + Saulo Mota Berrido
Maria Penzo
9:00 AM 1 Red Tee Female Michela Borgonovi
Mark Barry
9:30 AM 10 Yellow Tee Belinda Barry + Collins Mwesigwa Kagombe + Jackie Kwesiga
Mark Deacon
9:40 AM 10 Yellow Tee Gina Bianca Woolley + Jodie Deacon + Simon James Mottershead
Michael niss Bertelsen
9:30 AM 1 Yellow Tee Lars I. Clausen + Pieter Chris de Bruin + Wiets Lodewyk Alberts
Michela Borgonovi
9:00 AM 1 Red Tee Female Maria Penzo
Mike Windsor
9:50 AM 10 Yellow Tee Robson T. Jokonya + Tawanda Crispen Borerwe + Thomas Pedley
Mohit Talwar
9:10 AM 10 Yellow Tee Bengt Westman + Paul Welen + Rajiv Sharma
Nelson Koech
10:00 AM 10 Yellow Tee Geoffrey Peter McLean + Isaac Kuto + James Allen
Nita Dalziel
10:00 AM 1 Red Tee Female Anna-Marie Cash-Tobin + Joy Vorster + Tracy Kelly
Nuno Azevedo Neves
9:50 AM 1 Yellow Tee Ignatius Ngetich + Joel Chebon + João Oliveira
Paul Welen
9:10 AM 10 Yellow Tee Bengt Westman + Mohit Talwar + Rajiv Sharma
Pieter Chris de Bruin
9:30 AM 1 Yellow Tee Lars I. Clausen + Michael niss Bertelsen + Wiets Lodewyk Alberts
Rajiv Sharma
9:10 AM 10 Yellow Tee Bengt Westman + Mohit Talwar + Paul Welen
Robson T. Jokonya
9:50 AM 10 Yellow Tee Mike Windsor + Tawanda Crispen Borerwe + Thomas Pedley
Rory James Mundy
9:20 AM 1 Yellow Tee Anthony Korir + Carel Wille + Sam Chepkwony
Sam Chepkwony
9:20 AM 1 Yellow Tee Anthony Korir + Carel Wille + Rory James Mundy
Saulo Mota Berrido
9:10 AM 1 Yellow Tee Des D'Emiljo + Luis Reinaldo Menicucci Morel + Lukas Kotzé
Simon James Mottershead
9:40 AM 10 Yellow Tee Gina Bianca Woolley + Jodie Deacon + Mark Deacon
Song Kabsuk Song
9:00 AM 10 Yellow Tee Elsie Kim + Leo Lee + Yusang Lee
Tawanda Crispen Borerwe
9:50 AM 10 Yellow Tee Mike Windsor + Robson T. Jokonya + Thomas Pedley
Thomas Pedley
9:50 AM 10 Yellow Tee Mike Windsor + Robson T. Jokonya + Tawanda Crispen Borerwe
Tracy Kelly
10:00 AM 1 Red Tee Female Anna-Marie Cash-Tobin + Joy Vorster + Nita Dalziel
Usenobong Otu Akpabio
9:20 AM 10 Yellow Tee Andrea Comin + Edidiong Efiong Idiong + Franco Pagliaro Garna
Wiets Lodewyk Alberts
9:30 AM 1 Yellow Tee Lars I. Clausen + Michael niss Bertelsen + Pieter Chris de Bruin
Yusang Lee
9:00 AM 10 Yellow Tee Elsie Kim + Leo Lee + Song Kabsuk Song