Play is governed by the Golf Canada Rules of Golf (effective January 2023), and, where applicable, by the following Local Rules and Terms of the Competition, subject to changes, additions or deletions for particular championships. The player’s attention is drawn to Terms of the Competition as printed on the forms accompanying applications for entry. Complete text of Local Rules may be found in the Golf Canada Official Guide to the Rules of Golf (effective January 2023).

Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for a breach of a Local Rule is the General Penalty.

Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes


  1. Out of Bounds (Rule 18.2) Defined by course-side points at ground level of white dots, lines, stakes, and posts of fences defining out of bounds. A ball is out of bounds when it is beyond any wall defining the boundary of the course.  Closed Gates attached to the boundary walls and fences are part of the boundary object. Relief is not allowed from such a gate under Rule 15.2 or 16.1. BUT an open gate is not treated as part of the boundary object and may be closed or moved to a different position. Model Local Rule F-26 is in effect.  
  2. Specifications of Clubs and the Ball
    1. List of Conforming Driver Heads: Model Local Rule G-1 is in effect.
      Penalty for making a stroke with a club in breach of this Local Rule: Disqualification.
    2. Groove and Punch Mark Specifications: Model Local Rule G-2 is in effect. Penalty for making a stroke with a club in breach of this Local Rule: Disqualification.
    3. List of Conforming Golf Balls: Model Local Rule G-3 is in effect.
      Penalty for making a stroke with a ball in breach of this Local Rule: Disqualification.
    4. Replacing Club that is Broken or Significantly Damaged – Model Local Rule G-9 is in effect.
      Penalty for Breach of Local Rule – See Rule 4.1b.

Note 1: An updated List of Conforming Clubs and Balls is available at golfcanada.ca/rules.
Note 2: Please ensure your golf simulator training aid dots are removed from the golf club. 

  1. Caddies – Rule 10.3a is modified in this way:
    1. A player must not have another player in the competition, who has played or will play in the same round, as their caddie during a round.
    2. The player gets the General Penalty for each hole during which there is a breach of this Local Rule. If the breach occurs between the play of two holes, it applies to the next hole.
  2. Pace of Play (Rule 5.6b(3)) – Golf Saskatchewan’s Group Pace of Play Policy is in effect at all amateur competitions. The full policy is available online at golfsaskatchewan.org, in the Golf Saskatchewan Tournament Office and has been digitally communicated with each competitor.  

Note: Rule 5.6a (Unreasonable Delay of Play) is still applicable.

  1. Stopping and Resuming Play (Rule 5.7) – Model Local Rule J-1 is in effect as follows:
    1. Immediate Suspension (Dangerous situation): One prolonged note of the air horn.
    2. Normal Suspension (Non-Dangerous situation): Three short notes of the air horn.  
    3. Resumption Play: Two short notes of the air horn.

NOTE: During an immediate suspension for a dangerous situation, all practice areas are closed until the Tournament Committee has declared them open. Players who practice on closed practice areas will be asked to stop practicing. Players who fail to do so will be subject to penalties under the Code of Conduct.

  1. Practice (Rule 5.2 and 5.5)
    1. Before or between rounds in Stroke Play – Model Local Rules I-1.1 is in effect and Rule 5.2a is modified in this way: A player must not practice on the competition course (except on or near the first teeing area or any practice area) on the day of a competition or between rounds.

General Penalty (applied to the player’s first hole).
Penalty for second breach: Disqualification.

    1. Between Holes in Stroke Play – Model Local Rule I-2 is in effect and Rule 5.5b is modified in this way: Between the play of two holes, a player must not:
  • Make any practice stroke on or near the putting green of the hole just completed, or
  • Test the surface of that putting green by rubbing the putting green or rolling a ball.
  1. Transportation – Model Local Rule G-6 is in effect and is modified as follows: During a round, players or caddies must not ride on any form of transportation unless authorized or later approved by the Tournament Rules Committee. A player proceeding under a stroke and distance penalty is always authorized to ride on motorized transportation for that purpose.

The player gets the General Penalty for each hole during which there is a breach of this Local Rule. If the breach occurs between the play of two holes, it applies to the next hole.

NOTE: Golf Saskatchewan allows transportation to be used in some of our championships. Therefore Rule #7 may not be in effect except for the Junior Championships.   

  1. Abnormal Course Conditions (Including Immovable Obstructions) (Rule 16)

Ground Under Repair – Rule 16.1 includes:

    1. Areas defined by white lines.
    2. Drainage ditches filled with stones (French drains).
    3. Seams of Cut Turf – Model Local Rule F-7 is in effect. Interference exists if a player’s ball lies in or touches a seam of cut turf or a seam interferes with the player’s area of intended swing. However, interference does not exist if the seam only interferes with the player’s stance. All seams within the area of cut turf are treated as the same seam in taking relief.
    4. Immovable Objects – White-lined areas of ground under repair and the artificially surfaced road or path or other identified obstruction they tie into are treated as a single abnormal course condition when taking relief under Rule 16.1.
  1. Wood Chips and Mulch – Wood chips and mulch are loose impediments.
  2. Integral Objects – The following are integral objects from which free relief is not allowed:
  1. The portion of cables, wires, wrappings and other similar objects when closely attached to trees;
  2. Artificial retaining walls and/or pilings when located within penalty areas or which are adjacent to the edge of bunkers;
  3. Bunker liners in their intended position. An exposed bunker liner may be treated as ground under repair by the Committee. However, interference by a bunker liner does not exist if the bunker liner only interferes with a player’s stance.
  1. Animals Near Ball – Model Local Rule E-13 is in effect. An animal that is not defined as a loose impediment and is touching or near a player’s ball may be removed. If the ball moves, there is no penalty and the ball must be replaced.
  2. Temporary Immovable Obstructions – Model Local Rule F-23 is in effect. Temporary Immovable Obstructions include, but are not limited to, starting tents, scoring tents and pace of play stations/tents.
  3. Penalty Areas (Rule 17) – When a red penalty area is defined on only one side, it is deemed to extend to infinity. When a red penalty area adjoins a boundary, the penalty area edge extends to and coincides with the boundary.
  4. Anti-Doping – Players are required to comply with and are bound by the Golf Canada Anti-Doping Policy as detailed on the webpage on www.golfcanada.ca, or any communication in advance or at the golf course.
  5. Code of Conduct (Rule 1.2) – Golf Saskatchewan has adopted the Local Rule under Rule 1.2b setting standards of player conduct on the golf course during play at all competitions. The full policy is available online at golfsaskatchewan.org and has been digitally communicated with each competitor.

The Golf Saskatchewan Tournament Rules Committee may assess any or all of the following penalties outlined in the structure below, based on the severity and frequency of the violation:

    • Warning | One penalty stroke | General Penalty | Disqualification

Note: Under Rule 1.2a, the Golf Saskatchewan Tournament Committee may disqualify a player for serious misconduct for acting contrary to the spirit of the game. (This is part of the Field of Play – Rules of Golf).

  1. Scorecard Responsibilities –
    1. Scorecard Returned - A player’s scorecard has been returned to the Committee when the player has completely exited the defined scoring area, unless the player, prior to leaving, verbally informs the Committee of their intention to leave the scoring area and receives the Committee's permission to do so.
    2. Missing Player or Marker Certification – Model Local Rule L-1 is in effect and Rule 3.3b(2) is modified in this way – If a player returns a scorecard without the hole scores being certified either by the player, the marker or both, the player gets the General Penalty. The penalty applies to the last hole of the player’s round.
  2. When Results of Competition is Final – The competition is final when:
    1. all scores have been validated in the scoring system and approved by the Committee, or
    2. when the trophy has been presented to the winner, or
    3. in the absence of a prize ceremony, when all scores have been approved by the Committee.
  3. Rules Issues in Stroke Play - Playing Two Balls When Uncertain What to Do:
    1. (Playing two balls - Rule 20.1c(3))
      The player must report the facts of the situation to the Committee before returning the scorecard, even if the player scores the same with both balls. The player is disqualified if they fail to do so.
    2. See full Rule for complete details.