Oxfordshire 2024 Tee Sheet

Oxfordshire 2024 - Thu, April 11

The Oxfordshire - 4
Time Players
The Oxfordshire - 4
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Aaron Baker
1:40 PM Yellow - Men Dave McBain + Jamie Watson1 + Tom Brach
Adam Galbraith
12:00 PM Yellow - Men James Gray + Joel Newsome + Sam Galbraith
Adrian Chatterton
10:20 AM Yellow - Men Ian Woosey + Keith Plowman + Mark Hawkins
Alasdair Macarthur
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Alistair Giles + Mark Haskell + Peter Burgess
Alex Ashwin
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Gary Cross + Roy Schremp + Ryan Gilmour
Alex Gay
10:10 AM Yellow - Men Johnny Stanco + Liam Robertson + Paul Reid
Alex Hicks
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Daniel Waters + Edward Mulcahy + Mark Thompson1
Alex Jones
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Gary Haselgrove + Mike Evans1 + Oliver Wilkey
Alistair Giles
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Alasdair Macarthur + Mark Haskell + Peter Burgess
Allan Trendell
2:10 PM Yellow - Men David Southgate + Josh Crawley + Steven Crawley
Andew Jones7
11:00 AM Yellow - Men Debbie Jones + Josephine Catherine Robb + Peter Robb
Andrew Ball
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Chris Treece + Mark Williamson + Tom Harvey
Andrew Farrow
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Frankie Bond + Ian woodcock + Matthew Bond
Andy Oakley
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Ben Westcott + DANIEL ROE + Matthew Westcott
Andy Ryan
7:50 AM Yellow - Men Charles Hanks + Kevin Conquergood + Will Spiers
Angus Watt
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Daryl Roose + Gavin Yip + Roy Trim
Anthony Brookes
2:00 PM Yellow - Men James Tomlinson + Rushin Patel + Scott Richardson
Anthony Uden
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Norman Kane + Paul Uden + Steve Butler
Antony Stevens
10:50 AM Yellow - Men Mark Hulstrom + Richard Burrell + Richard Hart
Ben Clapham
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Kieran Tebbutt + Peter McLean + Spencer Lake
Ben Spencer
1:10 PM Yellow - Men John Thompson1 + Jon Barker + Kevin Cole
Ben Westcott
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Andy Oakley + DANIEL ROE + Matthew Westcott
Bradley Daw
7:30 AM Yellow - Men Mark Byrd + Paul Wooster + Stephen Wooster
Callum Powell
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Darren Cooper + Joe Murray + Max Leong
Charles Hanks
7:50 AM Yellow - Men Andy Ryan + Kevin Conquergood + Will Spiers
Chris Bird
1:00 PM Yellow - Men Keith Harpley + Martin Gooding + Robert Finlayson
Chris Treece
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Andrew Ball + Mark Williamson + Tom Harvey
Chris Wood1
12:10 PM Yellow - Men Clare Hunter + Ian Hunter + Mike Leku
Claire Guest
12:30 PM Red - Ladies Daniel Grove + Dave Cross + Helen Marriott
Clare Hunter
12:10 PM Red - Ladies Chris Wood1 + Ian Hunter + Mike Leku
Colin Whiting
11:50 AM Yellow - Men Marcus Sykes + Pete Mannion + Phil Wiltshire
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Andy Oakley + Ben Westcott + Matthew Westcott
Dan Corlett
11:20 AM Yellow - Men Geoff Creedon + Luca Corlett + Will Cornwall
Daniel Grove
12:30 PM Yellow - Men Claire Guest + Dave Cross + Helen Marriott
Daniel Waters
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Alex Hicks + Edward Mulcahy + Mark Thompson1
Danny Hemmings
10:40 AM Yellow - Men James Richardson + Sam Farin + Shane Seaman
Danny McNeill
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Luke Maguire + Matt Boon + Ryan Castles
Darren Barkey
8:00 AM Yellow - Men David Mehigan + Steve Duffin + Tim Braybrooks
Darren Cooper
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Callum Powell + Joe Murray + Max Leong
Darren Jones2
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Jamie Wesley + Neil Hosier + Pete Shaw
Darren Welsh
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Gavin Aris + Graham Browne + Lloyd Jones
Daryl Roose
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Angus Watt + Gavin Yip + Roy Trim
Dave Combes
11:30 AM Yellow - Men Geoffrey Smith + Gez Jackson + Peter Curtis
Dave Cross
12:30 PM Yellow - Men Claire Guest + Daniel Grove + Helen Marriott
Dave McBain
1:40 PM Yellow - Men Aaron Baker + Jamie Watson1 + Tom Brach
Dave Tatton
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Jon Barrett + Sean Duvall + Stephen Mangan
David Mehigan
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Darren Barkey + Steve Duffin + Tim Braybrooks
David Southgate
2:10 PM Yellow - Men Allan Trendell + Josh Crawley + Steven Crawley
Debbie Jones
11:00 AM Red - Ladies Andew Jones7 + Josephine Catherine Robb + Peter Robb
Dushy Clarke
2:40 PM Yellow - Men Mark Barrowman + Mark Hooper + Sam Osborne
Edward Mulcahy
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Alex Hicks + Daniel Waters + Mark Thompson1
Ekram Chowdury
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Joseph Budinich + Matthew Cope + Matthew Malone
Frankie Bond
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Andrew Farrow + Ian woodcock + Matthew Bond
Gary Cross
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Alex Ashwin + Roy Schremp + Ryan Gilmour
Gary Haselgrove
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Alex Jones + Mike Evans1 + Oliver Wilkey
Gavin Aris
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Darren Welsh + Graham Browne + Lloyd Jones
Gavin Yip
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Angus Watt + Daryl Roose + Roy Trim
Geoff Creedon
11:20 AM Yellow - Men Dan Corlett + Luca Corlett + Will Cornwall
Geoffrey Smith
11:30 AM Yellow - Men Dave Combes + Gez Jackson + Peter Curtis
Gez Jackson
11:30 AM Yellow - Men Dave Combes + Geoffrey Smith + Peter Curtis
Graham Browne
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Darren Welsh + Gavin Aris + Lloyd Jones
Graham Wiltshire
2:20 PM Yellow - Men Lyndon Clayton + Rhona Johnston + Steve Smith6
Guy Williamson
9:40 AM Yellow - Men James Ashdown + Martin Piper + Simon Madden
Helen Marriott
12:30 PM Red - Ladies Claire Guest + Daniel Grove + Dave Cross
Ian Hunter
12:10 PM Yellow - Men Chris Wood1 + Clare Hunter + Mike Leku
Ian Smith
12:50 PM Yellow - Men Jonathan James + Paul Clark1 + Simon Ince
Ian Woosey
10:20 AM Yellow - Men Adrian Chatterton + Keith Plowman + Mark Hawkins
Ian woodcock
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Andrew Farrow + Frankie Bond + Matthew Bond
James Ashdown
9:40 AM Yellow - Men Guy Williamson + Martin Piper + Simon Madden
James Gray
12:00 PM Yellow - Men Adam Galbraith + Joel Newsome + Sam Galbraith
James Miller
8:50 AM Yellow - Men Neil Pitcher + Nick Littlechild + Nigel Paige-Dickens
James Richardson
10:40 AM Yellow - Men Danny Hemmings + Sam Farin + Shane Seaman
James Tomlinson
2:00 PM Yellow - Men Anthony Brookes + Rushin Patel + Scott Richardson
Jamie Watson1
1:40 PM Yellow - Men Aaron Baker + Dave McBain + Tom Brach
Jamie Wesley
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Darren Jones2 + Neil Hosier + Pete Shaw
Joe Murray
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Callum Powell + Darren Cooper + Max Leong
Joel Newsome
12:00 PM Yellow - Men Adam Galbraith + James Gray + Sam Galbraith
John Thompson1
1:10 PM Yellow - Men Ben Spencer + Jon Barker + Kevin Cole
Johnny Stanco
10:10 AM Yellow - Men Alex Gay + Liam Robertson + Paul Reid
Jon Barker
1:10 PM Yellow - Men Ben Spencer + John Thompson1 + Kevin Cole
Jon Barrett
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Dave Tatton + Sean Duvall + Stephen Mangan
Jonathan James
12:50 PM Yellow - Men Ian Smith + Paul Clark1 + Simon Ince
Joseph Budinich
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Ekram Chowdury + Matthew Cope + Matthew Malone
Josephine Catherine Robb
11:00 AM Red - Ladies Andew Jones7 + Debbie Jones + Peter Robb
Josh Crawley
2:10 PM Yellow - Men Allan Trendell + David Southgate + Steven Crawley
Joshua Foster
11:10 AM Yellow - Men Kevin Knight + Neil Taylor1 + Phill Jefferies
Keith Harpley
1:00 PM Yellow - Men Chris Bird + Martin Gooding + Robert Finlayson
Keith Plowman
10:20 AM Yellow - Men Adrian Chatterton + Ian Woosey + Mark Hawkins
Kevin Cole
1:10 PM Yellow - Men Ben Spencer + John Thompson1 + Jon Barker
Kevin Conquergood
7:50 AM Yellow - Men Andy Ryan + Charles Hanks + Will Spiers
Kevin Knight
11:10 AM Yellow - Men Joshua Foster + Neil Taylor1 + Phill Jefferies
Kieran Tebbutt
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Ben Clapham + Peter McLean + Spencer Lake
Lewy Lawrence
2:30 PM Yellow - Men Paul Fields + Russell Fields + Tyler Hounsome
Liam Robertson
10:10 AM Yellow - Men Alex Gay + Johnny Stanco + Paul Reid
Lloyd Jones
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Darren Welsh + Gavin Aris + Graham Browne
Luca Corlett
11:20 AM Yellow - Men Dan Corlett + Geoff Creedon + Will Cornwall
Luke Maguire
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Danny McNeill + Matt Boon + Ryan Castles
Lyndon Clayton
2:20 PM Yellow - Men Graham Wiltshire + Rhona Johnston + Steve Smith6
Marcus Sykes
11:50 AM Yellow - Men Colin Whiting + Pete Mannion + Phil Wiltshire
Mark Barrowman
2:40 PM Yellow - Men Dushy Clarke + Mark Hooper + Sam Osborne
Mark Byrd
7:30 AM Yellow - Men Bradley Daw + Paul Wooster + Stephen Wooster
Mark Haskell
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Alasdair Macarthur + Alistair Giles + Peter Burgess
Mark Hawkins
10:20 AM Yellow - Men Adrian Chatterton + Ian Woosey + Keith Plowman
Mark Hooper
2:40 PM Yellow - Men Dushy Clarke + Mark Barrowman + Sam Osborne
Mark Hulstrom
10:50 AM Yellow - Men Antony Stevens + Richard Burrell + Richard Hart
Mark Thompson1
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Alex Hicks + Daniel Waters + Edward Mulcahy
Mark Williamson
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Andrew Ball + Chris Treece + Tom Harvey
Martin Gooding
1:00 PM Yellow - Men Chris Bird + Keith Harpley + Robert Finlayson
Martin Piper
9:40 AM Yellow - Men Guy Williamson + James Ashdown + Simon Madden
Matt Boon
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Danny McNeill + Luke Maguire + Ryan Castles
Matthew Bond
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Andrew Farrow + Frankie Bond + Ian woodcock
Matthew Cope
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Ekram Chowdury + Joseph Budinich + Matthew Malone
Matthew Malone
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Ekram Chowdury + Joseph Budinich + Matthew Cope
Matthew Westcott
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Andy Oakley + Ben Westcott + DANIEL ROE
Max Leong
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Callum Powell + Darren Cooper + Joe Murray
Mike Evans1
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Alex Jones + Gary Haselgrove + Oliver Wilkey
Mike Leku
12:10 PM Yellow - Men Chris Wood1 + Clare Hunter + Ian Hunter
Miles Hickey
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Scott Letham + Steven Topham + Wayne Reynolds
Neil Hosier
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Darren Jones2 + Jamie Wesley + Pete Shaw
Neil Pitcher
8:50 AM Yellow - Men James Miller + Nick Littlechild + Nigel Paige-Dickens
Neil Taylor1
11:10 AM Yellow - Men Joshua Foster + Kevin Knight + Phill Jefferies
Nick Littlechild
8:50 AM Yellow - Men James Miller + Neil Pitcher + Nigel Paige-Dickens
Nigel Paige-Dickens
8:50 AM Yellow - Men James Miller + Neil Pitcher + Nick Littlechild
Norman Kane
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Anthony Uden + Paul Uden + Steve Butler
Oliver Wilkey
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Alex Jones + Gary Haselgrove + Mike Evans1
Paul Clark1
12:50 PM Yellow - Men Ian Smith + Jonathan James + Simon Ince
Paul Fields
2:30 PM Yellow - Men Lewy Lawrence + Russell Fields + Tyler Hounsome
Paul Reid
10:10 AM Yellow - Men Alex Gay + Johnny Stanco + Liam Robertson
Paul Uden
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Anthony Uden + Norman Kane + Steve Butler
Paul Wooster
7:30 AM Yellow - Men Bradley Daw + Mark Byrd + Stephen Wooster
Pete Mannion
11:50 AM Yellow - Men Colin Whiting + Marcus Sykes + Phil Wiltshire
Pete Shaw
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Darren Jones2 + Jamie Wesley + Neil Hosier
Peter Burgess
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Alasdair Macarthur + Alistair Giles + Mark Haskell
Peter Curtis
11:30 AM Yellow - Men Dave Combes + Geoffrey Smith + Gez Jackson
Peter McLean
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Ben Clapham + Kieran Tebbutt + Spencer Lake
Peter Robb
11:00 AM Yellow - Men Andew Jones7 + Debbie Jones + Josephine Catherine Robb
Phil Wiltshire
11:50 AM Yellow - Men Colin Whiting + Marcus Sykes + Pete Mannion
Phill Jefferies
11:10 AM Yellow - Men Joshua Foster + Kevin Knight + Neil Taylor1
Rahib Bashar
2:50 AM Yellow - Men Tom Phillpotts
Rhona Johnston
2:20 PM Red - Ladies Graham Wiltshire + Lyndon Clayton + Steve Smith6
Richard Burrell
10:50 AM Yellow - Men Antony Stevens + Mark Hulstrom + Richard Hart
Richard Hart
10:50 AM Yellow - Men Antony Stevens + Mark Hulstrom + Richard Burrell
Robert Finlayson
1:00 PM Yellow - Men Chris Bird + Keith Harpley + Martin Gooding
Roy Schremp
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Alex Ashwin + Gary Cross + Ryan Gilmour
Roy Trim
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Angus Watt + Daryl Roose + Gavin Yip
Rushin Patel
2:00 PM Yellow - Men Anthony Brookes + James Tomlinson + Scott Richardson
Russell Fields
2:30 PM Yellow - Men Lewy Lawrence + Paul Fields + Tyler Hounsome
Ryan Castles
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Danny McNeill + Luke Maguire + Matt Boon
Ryan Gilmour
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Alex Ashwin + Gary Cross + Roy Schremp
Sam Farin
10:40 AM Yellow - Men Danny Hemmings + James Richardson + Shane Seaman
Sam Galbraith
12:00 PM Yellow - Men Adam Galbraith + James Gray + Joel Newsome
Sam Osborne
2:40 PM Yellow - Men Dushy Clarke + Mark Barrowman + Mark Hooper
Scott Letham
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Miles Hickey + Steven Topham + Wayne Reynolds
Scott Richardson
2:00 PM Yellow - Men Anthony Brookes + James Tomlinson + Rushin Patel
Sean Duvall
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Dave Tatton + Jon Barrett + Stephen Mangan
Shane Seaman
10:40 AM Yellow - Men Danny Hemmings + James Richardson + Sam Farin
Simon Ince
12:50 PM Yellow - Men Ian Smith + Jonathan James + Paul Clark1
Simon Madden
9:40 AM Yellow - Men Guy Williamson + James Ashdown + Martin Piper
Spencer Lake
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Ben Clapham + Kieran Tebbutt + Peter McLean
Stephen Mangan
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Dave Tatton + Jon Barrett + Sean Duvall
Stephen Wooster
7:30 AM Yellow - Men Bradley Daw + Mark Byrd + Paul Wooster
Steve Butler
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Anthony Uden + Norman Kane + Paul Uden
Steve Duffin
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Darren Barkey + David Mehigan + Tim Braybrooks
Steve Smith6
2:20 PM Yellow - Men Graham Wiltshire + Lyndon Clayton + Rhona Johnston
Steven Crawley
2:10 PM Yellow - Men Allan Trendell + David Southgate + Josh Crawley
Steven Topham
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Miles Hickey + Scott Letham + Wayne Reynolds
Tim Braybrooks
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Darren Barkey + David Mehigan + Steve Duffin
Tom Brach
1:40 PM Yellow - Men Aaron Baker + Dave McBain + Jamie Watson1
Tom Harvey
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Andrew Ball + Chris Treece + Mark Williamson
Tom Phillpotts
2:50 AM Yellow - Men Rahib Bashar
Tyler Hounsome
2:30 PM Yellow - Men Lewy Lawrence + Paul Fields + Russell Fields
Wayne Reynolds
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Miles Hickey + Scott Letham + Steven Topham
Will Cornwall
11:20 AM Yellow - Men Dan Corlett + Geoff Creedon + Luca Corlett
Will Spiers
7:50 AM Yellow - Men Andy Ryan + Charles Hanks + Kevin Conquergood