1. Golf Rules: All competitions will adhere to the R&A Rules of Golf, supplemented by  the local regulations of Trump Turnberry and the specific Competition Terms. Trump  Turnberry will oversee all events, and any disputes will be referred to them, with their  decisions being final. 

2. Amateur Status: All participants must maintain amateur status in accordance with the  Rules of Amateur Status. 

3. Registration: Trump Turnberry Golf Links retains the right to approve, reject, or  subsequently reject any entry. Communication will be conducted electronically,  requiring a provided email address. Event details will be accessible on https://www.trumphotels.com/turnberry/golf-event-calendar. Trump Turnberry Golf Links is not accountable for  undelivered correspondence. 

4. a) WHS Handicap: Entrants must possess a valid WHS handicap index. b) The WHS  handicap index certified at the close of entry will be utilized for all purposes. c)  Entrants are responsible for keeping their WHS handicap index up to date. Trump  Turnberry Golf Links will not be held responsible for any outdated WHS handicap  index used for balloting. 

5. Adverse Conditions: In the event that completing an event becomes impractical due  to adverse weather or other circumstances, Trump Turnberry Golf Links reserves the  right to modify the event format as needed to achieve a result within the available  time. If complete cancellation is necessary, entry fees will be refunded. 

6. Awards: All trophies awarded during events will remain the property of Trump  Turnberry Golf Links. Participants are eligible to win only one prize per event. In the  case of multiple qualifications, priority is given to the higher/older age category, and  any additional prizes will be awarded to the next eligible competitor(s). Participants  not present at the prize presentation without prior notification to Trump Turnberry  Golf Links will forfeit their prize. 

7. Policies: The following policies apply: a) Competition Terms b) Local Rules c)  Images/Video & Publications – Trump Turnberry Golf Links may use images and  videos for media coverage or promotional purposes. Parental consent is required for  entrants under 16, while those under 18 must consent to image use at entry.  Concerns can be addressed to proshop@trumpturnberry.com

8. Disclaimer/Consent: Trump Turnberry Golf Links is not liable for personal injury, loss,  or damage to equipment or personal possessions during events. By entering,  participants consent to the collection of personal information for entry confirmation  and event-related communication. Objecting to the use of personal information can be done by contacting proshop@trumpturnberry.com. Removing data may impact  event-specific information receipt.