Gangsome '24


Monday, January 01, 2024 - Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The new expectation for payouts following play is that you MUST be present in order to claim. Certain cases of needing to leave early can be approved on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the "Captains" of the teams. While we encourage the competitive nature of the competition, this is also a social event for our pass holders and welcoming guest to enjoy one's company and time. If you have any questions please contact Cameron, Corey, or Joe.


Season Points System: In the results tab, you will find a spot that shows season points. Every time you finish 18 holes, you are guaranteed at least 2 points. 1 for your gross score and 1 for your net score. The first-place finisher gets 10 points working backwards to 1 where everyone finishing 10 or below still gets 1. This is not a money game, but a small trophy will be awarded to our Gangsome points champion in October 2024