The Azalea Pro-Am (Sat, April 13)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.

Adam Orzechowski
Andrew Chlebek
Bill Eklund
Bob Sortino
Brian Cocchia
Courtney Morrison
Dan Chlebek
Dave Misner
David LeFevre
David Norman
Denni Scheidt Sr
Eric Tyahla
Frank Giunta
Greg Williams
Isaac Scheidt
Jeff Holcomb
Jon Kilpinen
Keith Teltser
Kyle Carpp
Logan Patterson
Luke Dimaggio
Miguel Arreola
Nathan Scheidt
Nick Valvo
Pete Garin
Rajesh Sharma
Rocky Perkins
Ross Borthwick
Shane Peeples
Tom Christopher
Tom Lilly
Travis Paul
Udo Kevin Reif
Zach Scheidt