Fall Conference
Midwest Golf Course Owners Association (MWGCOA)
Tuesday, November 19th at Brackett's Crossing Country Club, Lakeville, MN
Event Pricing
- $160 for first person from course
- $145 for additional persons from same course - bring family, staff, valued customers, and friends
- $90 for owner's spouse
Event Timeline
- 7:30am - Conference and Trade Show Opens
- 8:00am - MWGCOA President Welcome - Steve Whillock, Oak Marsh Golf Course
- 8:30am - "Your National Association and Its Many Benefits" - Jay Karen, NGCOA CEO
- 9:00am - "HR in Today's World" - Erin Mies/Kristen Ireland
- 10:00am - Break & Vendor Visit
- 11:00am - MN Department of Labor Outreach - David Skovholt
- 12:00pm - Lunch
- 1:00pm - Ian Leonard, Fox9 Meterorologist